Chapter 12

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Last night, I said goodnight and goodbye to my soon-to-be wives and all my kids. It's scary being all alone in a different town, in a strange hotel, in a strange, smaller bed all by myself. Sleep is nowhere in sight, but it's what I should be doing. What we all should be doing. But how can I think about sleeping at a time like this? When my heart can't seem to calm itself and every couple of minutes, I go through a mini panic attack.

My phone dings and I grab it quickly, happy for some sort of companionship. Pushing my hair behind my ear, I stare at the screen in the dark.

Grace: I know we're all nervous but, one of you is killing me

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Grace: I know we're all nervous but, one of you is killing me.

Sloane: 👀
                  Not me.

Sierra: Not me either.

Emilie: Sorry. Can't sleep.

Sloane: Same

Sierra: What are you doing?

Emilie: I'm lonely. ☹️

Grace: I never thought I'd miss you fuckers. I can spread out. But what do you know?

Sierra: lol, I don't miss any of you. Especially Steph tossing and turning every second.

Emilie: Don't be mean. She's pregnant and uncomfortable.

Grace: I change my mind; I don't miss you.

Emilie: Whatever.

Sierra: You miss her the most. Just watch. Bet you'll start crying again if she goes to bed without saying I love you. It'll mad you wouldn't it Grace? Fucking masochist.

Grace: 😱 I would have never called you that!

Sierra: because you can't. I'm not a masochist.

Grace: You're right. You're a baby.

Sierra: 🖕

Emilie: No need to fight over me guys, there's plenty of awesomeness to share.

Grace: Stfu

Sierra: Stfu

Emilie: Where's the other one? Why is she so quiet? 👀🧐

Sierra: Probably sleeping?

Grace: Nope, not sleeping. She doesn't feel her best though. Between Emilie and Steph, I don't know how I'm still alive. You're both killing me. I'm feeling everything.

Emilie: I sincerely apologize. I wish I could make you not feel it but I can't.

Grace: Maybe try breathing instead of panicking?

Sierra: you know she can't relax. but honestly, where's Sloane?

Emilie: Steph!!!

Sierra: Steph!!!

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