Chapter 13

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"I do."

Hearing those words and having said them myself without interruption is probably the best feeling I've ever felt so far. I know for a fact this is already the best day of my life because it has happened. It's official. From the moment we slip those gold bonds on and the preacher pronounces us Wives. From the moment we kiss our brides. It's sealed. It's official. We're married. Mrs LaRues.

We signed the papers, then we're out the door. We threw our bouquets into the huddle formed by the bridal party and when I turn around to see who catches them, Amelia has one, Molly has one and Shane has the other. Interesting.

Vogue is snapping pictures of us all the while. Now they just want one with the brides. We pose in order of our heights. Each one stands before the other. Grace is the shortest, so she's at the front. Then it's Sloane, Sierra and me. My head is buried in the crock of her neck as I place a kiss there. One of her hands reaches back over her shoulder to hold me behind the head while the other one is on Steph's bump, their fingers locked. Grace holds her head back to kiss her best friend on the chin. Something that makes the redhead blush profusely. Grace laughs and I am laughing at Sierra too because I know from the way she grunts that she's turned on.

We took more pictures and then we're heading to the reception. It's outside and it's beautiful. I love what Mary did using the trees and fairy lights. Especially for this time of year, it fits right in. Irelee and Wren find me. They're both flower girls. I didn't even know Wren was going to be here but I'm glad she is. I hug them both. "Hi, ladies. You look nice."

Wren gives me a shy smile. "You look very pretty."

"Thank you so much. Did you enjoy the wedding?" she nods. "Is your social worker here with you?"

"Yeah," she points to her sitting around one of the guest tables.

"Great. Well, you girls go take your seats at your table. I'm going to go back to my wives who are waiting for me at ours."

She nods. Irelee steps up to me. "Mama, can I get your veil now?"

"No. Go away."

Sierra is there waiting for me when I turn around. I loop our hands and allow her to lead me to our table. It feels so strange to have her pull my seat out for me. I'm usually the one doing that. "Thank you," I tell her and watch her take her seat at the end of the table beside Grace.

We cut the cake together. Amelia did a good job with it and we let the kids have some first. Grace tells me I'm too soft, but I shrug her off. Everyone eats and chats amongst themselves. No one even realises that Steph isn't drinking the same champagne that we are and I don't think they care. I watch Grace push the cake around her plate and laugh lightly. She offers it to me, and I take it from her fork. I call her over with my finger and she comes close. Tilting her head back, I take her lips. Some of the cake slips into her mouth and she moans at the intrusion. "Hmmm. Babe, I don't like that. I don't like that you just did that. That's foul play."

I grin. "Was it good?"

"A bit better. I may need another taste."

Wasting no time, I take another bite of the cake and lean in to meet her lips.

"That's nasty," Sierra says, disgust on her face. Not like anybody asked her.

I call her over with my finger but she just glares at me. "Baby come here."

With a sigh, she leans over. I pop a small piece of cake into my mouth and then take her lips. She parts her lips slightly, but as she tastes the cake, she opens wider, allowing me to slip my tongue inside. She steals the cake without me having to even do anything. I pull away with a laugh. "How ironic."

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