Chapter 3

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It's dark outside even though its ten am. The weekend couldn't come fast enough, but now that it's actually here, I'm freaking out. And with the weekend comes the forecast of rain, which doesn't help my anxiety. It's cold and gloomy and we're all clad in winter coats already.

Sierra hates the cold, especially since she's always cold herself. Today she feels as if she's freezing and she's clinging to me as we wait on the couch under a blanket. Her head is against my chest and her arm is wrapped around me beneath my coat. I hold the other one between both my hands, blowing on it because it's so cold it might soon turn into ice. The weather forecast is playing on the TV and we're both watching it. A thunderstorm is expected this evening and should linger for the entire weekend.  I think I speak for all of us when I say we are not looking forward to this weekend's rain.

Grace descends the stairs with a bright smile, her curls bouncing as she comes. She's wearing black jeans and a black sweater that I'm pretty sure is mine. The sleeves are slightly longer than her arms, so she folds them up a little. She's carrying a diaper bag with stuff that we'll need for the twins. She looks gorgeous. "Hey Lovies, ready to go?"

"Did you pack something warm for them? It's freezing." Sierra asks as she gets up to tackle Irelee.

Grace nods. "Since it's raining, I packed coats and mittens, warm blankets, and socks. Those footsie sleepers. Lots of them." She looks up at us unsure. "I think I overpacked."

I give her a gentle smile as I get up. "Better over than under. Come on, let's go before this storm hits."

We're taking both babies home today if they pass the car seat test. I really hope they do because it's exhausting to be going to the hospital every day, especially since we have another child at home to care for. It should be easy because it's three of us but it's not that easy. It's complicated. So, we take turns. Whenever Sierra and Grace go, I stay home with Lee. Whenever me and Sierra go, Grace stays home but Sierra always go. Everyday.

Today all four of us are going, Lee included. She'll be seeing her brothers for the first time and she's excited. I look at her with a mischievous smile, pulling one from her too. She takes careful steps away from me before pivoting and sprinting to the front door, knowing very well what this look on my face means. I was after her like a predator to its prey, catching her as she descended the steps. Swinging her into my arms, I shower kisses against her cheek and enjoy her little laugh. "You got to be faster than that, kiddo."


"Forty-million-dollar legs, baby!" I attack her with kisses again and she wiggles to get loose.   I release her as we approach Sierra's car and unlock the door for her to get in. We have car seats installed in all three of our cars for all three kids, but we're taking Sierra's car today. Not for any reason other than it's the one I got to first.

"Are they coming home today?" Irelee starts getting into her car seat and buckling herself in.

I get in, sitting beside her while Sierra got behind the wheel and Grace rode shotgun.

"Yes," Sierra answers her. "Are you going to be a good big sister and pick up your toys now so Mom doesn't constantly have to do it?"

Irelee nods. "Hmmm. I picked them up this morning."

"I picked them up this morning." Grace corrects.

Lee looks down at her hands. "Well, then, I picked them up yesterday.  Can I play with them?" she deflects.

"Not yet, Baby." I tell her. "They're too small right now."

"Can I play with them tomorrow?"

"You can play with them after Christmas."

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