How was school?

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“So.. how’s um, how’s school Pup?” Izuku asks hesitantly, nervously eyeing Katsuki across the table, hands fidgeting with his chopsticks.

Katsuki raises an eyebrow in response, silently begging Izuku to calm the fuck down and fix his motherfucking face. Shinji is super observant for such a young pup and Deku is coming out the gate acting fucking weird as hell and doing nothing to go with the fucking plan which was to act goddamn normal! Fuck!

“School is great, Papa!” Shinji exclaims, and Katsuki nods into his noodles as he glares across the table at his mate with a look that clearly says, “you’re fucking lucky our pup is obtuse as fuck,” to which Deku sends an arched green brow that clearly reads, “Like his Daddy?”. This only causes Katsuki to glower further. Stupid Deku is right and he fucking knows it. Ugh!

“Yeah, Pup? You like your teacher and your class?” Katsuki asks smoothly, after fixing his face in an attempt to knock Deku off his high horse by showing him how fucking easy it is to act goddamn normal.

“I LOVE my teacher, and I LOVE my class! Yesterday, we learned about p-p-pimary colors and um we counted too! And my teacher, Misato-sensei, is really nice! And-and all the kids are really nice and stuff too and and and --”

Katsuki smiles softly as he listens to Shinji ramble on about playgrounds and swings and their classroom pet Lizard-san. He reaches under the table to take hold of Deku’s hand and squeezes, knowing damn well his omega is close to tears at listening to their Pup’s excitement. 

Katsuki had felt calm after hearing Shinji talk for at least an hour about the wonders of kindergarten. He and Izuku had felt more than reassured that nothing bad had happened at school and that their parent-teacher conference would probably just be a meet and greet for Misato-sensei to get a sense of Shinji’s parents beyond what she knows from the press.

Oh how wrong they would be.
Word count: 347

The best fucking story ever toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora