Just Another Day At The Shore

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Marissa's POV:

The guy punched Snooki that's when I snapped I started punching him and got a good aim on his nose making him bleed me and David and the others chase after him I tried to punch him again but I got pulled away.

" Fuck you" I shouted at him I punched the wall my fist fucking hurt mike was creeping on some girl right after Snooki got punched.

" I see Mike creeping on a girl when Snooki just got punched it shows that he doesn't care and he kept buying them shot after shot like do you even care?!" I shouted towards the camera pissed off.

I go back towards Snooki as me and Jenni help her up as sammi walked out

Afterwards I headed back to the house I go in my room David follows me we decided to go in the guest room.

Out of nowhere we started kissing he cups my face as he goes down to my neck and kisses my neck I smile before he takes my outfit on and rubs through my panties covering my mouth he takes off my panties and slips his fingers inside me and afterwards everything went great.


After we had sex I throw on some pajamas as my fist hurts. " Fuck" I said "get some ice baby" he said I nod my head and go in the freezer and grab an ice pack and put it over my fist. " What happened to your fist rissa" Pauly said " I punched the fucking wall and him I was pissed" I said

" oh okay goodnight" Pauly said we kiss each other on the cheek as he walks in his room I see David " I'm leaving" He said " what I thought you were leaving tomorrow?" I said confused
" yeah bye" David said leaving quicklyz


After David left I headed to Snooki's room " I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you clean your mouth or anything I love you so fucking much snooks I hurt my fist for you I love you snooks" I said hugging her afterwards I head back to my room and lay down and head to sleep.


The next day I wake up and yawn I go outside and meet Rons family afterwards me and Jenni were going to go to lunch with Snooki I brush my hair and go ahead and change.

The next day I wake up and yawn I go outside and meet Rons family afterwards me and Jenni were going to go to lunch  with Snooki I brush my hair and go ahead and change

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We then head to the restaurant and we all sit down.

" Why does all shit happen to me" Nicole said I rub her back " don't worry he's going to get his" Jenni said " fuck my life" Snooki said " let's get some food feel better drink heavily" Jenni said I take a bite out of my quesadilla " you'll drink with me?" Nicole asked " I will" I said with a smile " you want to?" Jenni asked we all high five.

" Cheers" " how the hell am I suppose to drink that" Jenni said


Once we got home Snooki got on the phone turns out the guy got bailed out of jail I saw a scared look on Snooki's face I hug her and rub her back she smiles and hugs me back.

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