I breathe out running my hands over my face, I open my laptop and the first thing there is the security camera that is in the basement.

She's lying lifeless on the ground as Ivan tries his best to check on her wound, little bastard still went ahead without my permission to take care of her wound.

I don't have time for his drama, he can do whatever he likes, it won't stop me from torturing her.
The fact that she's helpless here gives me joy and I could hear the desperation in Lorenzo's voice when I sent him the video of her drenched in water and bleeding.

She's not moving but that doesn't stop Ivan from working his way around her wound, he's really good with stuff like that.
If he didn't turn down my offer of joining the mafia, he would have been my personal doctor I take with me to the field whenever I'm on operation.

I breathe out before minimizing and going back to work, I don't need all this distraction right now.
I need to work and get my head straight.


I'm panting hard and sweat dripping from all parts of my body, I still have like 15 more to go before I'm done then I'll go on to the threadmill.

I have been at this for almost three hours straight, weightlifting and other stuff this gym has.
I haven't seen Ivan the whole of today, infact after our little talk yesterday, I haven't seen him.

I'm beginning to wonder if he up and left, but i saw him go into the basement earlier on before I came into the gym.
I saw it through the cameras.

"Boss" I hear Vissarions voice beside me and it makes me stop and look at him as he bows in respect.

Personally I don't see him as my underboss or me as his superior, he's more like a friend to me but for the sake of respect and power, I don't really stop him from bowing most times.

I sit up and face him before my eyes land on Sasha, standing just a few feet beside Vissarion, it's been a while I seen him.

He gives me a Curt nod "boss" he mutters and I return the nod.
He's my third in command and also the tech guy around here.

"Is there a problem"? I ask and I see Visarrion look to Sasha before looking back at me and shaking his head

"None sir, just wanted to report to you that the men we positioned to watch Lorenzo have reported back" he says making me raise my brow and getting up.

"And"? I ask, before I start making my way to the thread mill with both of them hot on my tail

"There hasn't been any movement from him, no sign that he wants to attack, he has just been silent" he tells me with his hands behind his back.

I can hear the grunts of the rest of my men all training or doing one form of exercise. I stop in front of the thread mill and turn to face both men

Visarrion looks at Sasha and as if egging him on, he starts speaking

"он хочет поговорить с тобой" Sasha mutters and I almost didn't hear him but I did, a smirk quickly makes it way to my face, Lorenzo wants to talk.

(Translation: he wants to speak with you)

I look at my underboss and Third in command before speaking to both of them

"Set up a video call with him by the end of today" I tell them before hopping on the threadmill, they both nod in understanding before walking out of the gym.

If Lorenzo wants to talk, then I'll give him an audience, infact I'll give him more than an audience.


"Don't you ever get out of this godforsaken study"? The voice of my very annoying cousin interrupts my work as he waltz into my study

I sigh out before looking you at him, he's still putting on the cloth he wore to see her, he knows I know he has been treating her wound.

"What do you want Ivan"? I ask uninterested

"Nothing really, I just came to talk" he said sitting down in front of me on the chair.

"Talking to you never ends well, you end up pissing me off" I tell him and he just chuckles

"Give me some credit D" he says relaxing on the chair "but really I want to speak with you" he adds his whole demeanor changing to a serious one.

"Please don't tell me it's about her" I say referring to Cara, my heart skipped a beat when I said her name, I can't even say her name without getting pissed off, that's how much I hate her and everything about her.

" Успокойся и выслушай меня" he says shifting to the edge of the chair

(Translation: Calm down and hear me out)

"I don't think the woman you have down there is Cara" he says seriously, I almost want to burst out laughing because he looks very stupid right now.

I just stare at him with a blank expression

"Это она тебя подговорила на это"? I ask him and I see him start shaking his head "so I can let her go"? I ask again and he just shakes his head in a no.

(Translation: did she put you up to this?)

"No no of course not she didn't, I'm telling you what I noticed, she isn't Cara" he insists

I'm already getting agitated with his stupid assumptions

"How much did she promise you to betray me"? I ask standing up and so does he

"What"? He asks with a chuckle "you think I'm trying to betray you"? He asks with disbelief

"она пообещала трахнуть тебя или ты уже трахнул ее"? I ask him taking a step closer as he takes one back

(Translation: did she promise to fuck you or did you already fuck her?)

"Stop this D, I'm being reasonable here, I've seen Cara up close and this woman is nothing like her" he presses on

I quickly pull out my gun from my holster and point it at him, I see his eyes widen and his lips part as I click off the safety on the gun.

"You want to betray me, для итальянской стервы"? I ask him and he just shakes his head at me

(Translation: for an Italian bitch)

"Stop this D, you're pointing a gun at me"? He asks in disbelief

"And I will shoot you Ivan, for even thinking of crossing me" I grit out to him, he closes his eyes before opening then again

"I am telling you the truth Dimitri, I was there that night and I know whoever you have in your basement is not Cara" he says again making me growl out.

He really is testing my patience, I hear a knock on the door and I tell whoever is there to come in with my gun still pointing at Ivan, Vissarion and Sasha both walk in and I see the confusion in their faces

"What"? I bark out and Vissarion is the one to speak

"It's time boss" he mutters lowly and I look at Ivan before removing my gun from his face

"We're going to talk about this later" I grit out to him before walking out of the study with Visarrion and Sasha right behind me.

What the hell is Ivan talking about, this bitch definitely has done something to my cousin.
She's good, I give her that but she's not going anywhere

I will make sure of it.

Do you think Dimitri will Listen to Ivan??

And how did Ivan figure out it's not Cara??

What night is he talking about??

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