He was losing himself in her eyes, his right elbow was resting on the bed and it was balancing him to not to fall, and his left hand was gripping over her waist. She was looking straight to his heart, unknowingly. Her hair length was disturbing his chest. 

She quickly got up from him and settled her hair with the help of her fingers, he quickly sat back in the position he was first. Then she tried to get out of the room as soon as she reached the door and her hands reached the door lock to open it, it opened from the opposite side.

She waited for, that, someone to come in, but no one made any movement. She then opens the door to see who that was but only she could find is, air there. She didn’t understand what was happening, seeing that Taehyung stood up from the place and walked to her he found that she was standing still with the fearful facial expressions. 

Because she didn’t find anyone but the door opened from the opposite side, he asked her, “what's the matter?” “I don't know who opened the door but I haven't done it” she replied with a little trembling voice. He asked her to come with him, he took her to the hall where Taehyung’s family and his uncle’s family were present, he understood that that misbehave was by this bloody lee. 

He signaled her to greet everyone, Taehyung’s mother walked to Y/n and took her to sit beside her, and she was muttering into her ears about who the guests are. Taehyung’s mother had introduced her to them after telling her who they are. 

Who the fuck are you to have my girl in your marriage? I didn’t allow you to do it, did I? I will just ruin everything and will destroy you to the bottom. Lee was thinking this while clenching his fist while onto his knees. Don’t you be so happy by having her, she is mine from the very beginning he is thinking a lot of things. 

You are just a bloody rascal, you don’t know what I did to your company, the news is not out yet, it's just because the work is not done yet, my people are on work my boy, you will soon get a shock. 

“Okay, let us just go, it's getting late.” Lee's mother said while smiling to everyone in Kim's house, he just rose on her feet and Lee's father and Lee followed her, “why too early, it’s not so late, just stay for some more time” Taehyung’s mom insisted Lee's mom.

“Ohh mom, please stay for a while more…” Lee said while convincing his mother, “no no we are getting late, let’s just go” lee’s mother said again. “Okay, bye everyone” she greeted everyone and then turned to the newly wedded couple. 

“Bye my dear, may god bless you and you both stay happy together forever” lee’s mother wished them while lee was listening to all of this and was clenching his teeth with folding hands in front.

The Lee family took leave. “Go have lunch, it's ready already” Taehyung’s mother told both of them. “Yeah, okay” they both replied at the same time, they were in telepathy. Both looked at each other after this and went to the dining area. 

Taehyung was sitting as usual on his chair, but before that he pulled out the chair next to him for Y/n, “please, have a seat” his vocals freed from his mouth and requested her to take a seat. 

He then pulled the other chair just beside it and sat there, soon Taehyung's mom came and joined them and the wedding ceremony is over but the after wedding ceremonies are not done yet. 

“Your dad got some urgent work so he has gone out of town since morning, he will be back soon” taehyung’s mother said while taking a seat, on the left of the main chair. And the right side’s chair is of Taehyung, the next chair beside Taehyung’s chair was not reserved for someone till now, but as from now it is reserved forever for Y/N. 

“It's okay mom, I am there,” Taehyung said in reply to his mother. “Yeah yeah, I am not worried about anything” taehyung’s mother countered back, while chuckling little. “Why aren’t you saying anything Y/N? You can speak freely, talk to me” Taehyung’s mother said to Y/n. 

“So tell me about something you really like to do?” Taehyung’s mom countered a question to her, so that at least she could speak, listening to her soft voice, she smiled wide, looking at her smiling wide Taehyung chuckles little. 

She spoke up freely without any fear of getting back the strange answers, “I had studied under major BUSINESS, I had a dream to be a businesswoman but i didn’t get chance to do so…” she stopped at a point as she was getting thoughts about her past life because of this and she started breathing heavily because of that.

Taehyung’s mom didn’t noticed it because she was not looking at her, “so…?” Taehyung’s mother asked further because she was unknown by her condition. 

She had slipped her left hand onto her thighs while fisting them tightly due to the panic, Taehyung noticed it and slipped his right hand under the table and put his hand onto her hand to calm her down, he held her hand and took it onto his thighs while his hand in the bottom and her hand on the top. He held her hand tightly to calm her down. 

Her right hand was running into her hair, not eating anything, she could just remember her past, Taehyung asked, “mom, I am taking her on a long drive, can we go?” he asked her mother just to make her feel more comfortable he just made a masquerade to take her out. 

He already had held her hand and stood up with the same gesture and made her stand up and go with him. She followed him and they both just got out of the house. As soon as they both got out of the gate of the mansion, she spoke, “when did we decide to go for a long drive?” she asked while turning herself to him.

She was staring straight at his face but his eyes were on the road, “don’t look at me with those eyes” he said while not disconnecting his view from the road. She was shocked and her mouth wide open. She just turned back to her seat and sticked her eyes on the road. 

Suddenly the roof started to pull back itself to open the car, she was amazed by it, as she loves cars a lot, and these types of super cars are her first love. 

She turned her face to him with a cold expression yet the soft feeling in her heart.

FORCED MARRIAGE| by hobiqvnWhere stories live. Discover now