25 | The Cupboard

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As Valentine's Day creeped ever closer, Harry found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with his former nemesis. He couldn't even believe that they'd been against eachother for so long when it only took less than a year for him to fall head over heels for Draco. Then again, Draco had changed enough for him to be considered a completely different person now, so it could've also been that.

Either way, Harry knew he couldn't keep his feelings to himself for much longer. After their cuddling sessions, a slight feeling of guilt started to linger in Harry's guts: he was enjoying Draco's intimacy in a completely different way than Draco probably did, which just felt . . . weird.

Thankfully, however, today wasn't the day Harry was planning to confess so he didn't have to worry about losing Draco just yet. But he was still counting down the days each morning with a growing sense of impending doom—seven days left.

Harry was glad that Draco worked regular hours rather than having a haphazard work schedule like his because that meant he could look forward to meeting his favourite person in the whole world after a long day of work.

As tempting as it was to embarrass Draco on a Monday afternoon (with a small group of teenagers loitering in the cafe), Harry decided not to dance into the shop serenading Draco at the top of his lungs in order to preserve his own dignity. Maybe Valentine's Day. He chuckled to himself at the thought but it would guarantee losing Draco and that was definitely not worth it.

Harry ended up walking up to the counter and watching Draco in utter silence until he noticed him. Though Harry did have to deal with his concerned coworkers asking 'Are you alright, sir?' and 'Can I help you?' He supposed it wasn't everyday that a dishevelled man silently stared at one of their (hottest) colleagues.

Draco's reaction was worth the awkwardness however, as he yelped when he turned to see (what looked like) a scruffy man staring directly at him, drawing a few eyes. When he realised it was Harry who's face had been scratched and dirtied from his Auror duties, Draco sighed and placed his hand on his heart.

"Merlin, Harry!" he exclaimed, approaching Harry from his side of the counter. "Next time give me a warning otherwise you'll probably end up giving me a heart attack and that won't turn out pretty."

"But you are pretty," Harry smiled, cocking his head to one side.

"I didn't mean it like that," Draco said, a hint of pink appearing on his cheeks as he slapped his hand to his brow. "And let me work in peace someday, too."

"Mmh, how about no?"

"Clingy girlfriend," Draco muttered under his breath, eliciting laughter from Harry.

"Oh really?" Harry smirked, bringing his hand to rest on top of Draco's, which was lying on the counter. When their hands touched, the tiny snake on Draco's finger had no choice but to wrap around Harry's as well, weakly binding their ring fingers. It was about time that the tables were turned. Now Harry was the one who watched Draco blush and stammer in amusement.

"Harry, I'm working," Draco hissed, pulling his hand out from under Harry's, though it was clear from the look on his face that he liked it more than he let on. "Why don't you have something to eat?"

"Why should I get something to eat when a snack is standing right in front of me?" Harry stifled his laughter with his hand as he watched Draco gawk at him with wide eyes. He liked using Draco's words against him. Revenge.

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