22 | Dating? I Wish

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After throwing snowballs at eachother for a bit, Harry decided that his hands were getting a bit too cold to continue scooping up chunks of snow and hurling them at the most precious man in the world.

"Your hands are cold?" Draco asked, his eyes fixated on Harry's hands.


Without another word, Draco took off his and Harry's gloves and took both of Harry's hands in his. He wasn't sure of what Draco was doing until he felt a sudden rush of warmth radiate from Draco's hands and gradually spread to his.

"Thought you couldn't do magic out here," Harry said with a grin, looking back at Draco and locking eyes. Merlin, his eyes were gorgeous.

"Fuck that. I'd rather you not lose your hands," Draco replied, wrapping his fingers completely around Harry's hands. "How else are you going to cuddle me?"

"I don't cuddle you with my hands."

"Whatever. Play with my hair, then."

"Is that a request?"

Harry watched Draco's cheeks slowly turn pink with amusement. "What do you think, Harry? I'm wearing a hat right now."

Wanting to get his way, Harry pulled one of his hands out from Draco's and begun to wrap the few strands peeking out of his hat around his finger. But before he could continue, Draco grabbed his hand again.

"Do you want to keep your hands or not?" he huffed, proceeding to transfer more warmth to Harry's skin.

"It looks like we're holding hands right now," Harry giggled without another thought.

"We are, Harry."

Harry giggled again.

"You haven't even had Butterbeer today, what's gotten into you?"

"Christmas spirit."

"Which one? Past, Present or Yet to Come?"

Needless to say, Harry was taken aback by Draco's knowledge of Muggle literature. So taken aback, in fact, that he forgot to make a dirty joke about Draco being the only one he would— nevermind. Draco noticed Harry's surprise and he responded with a smirk.

"Working with Muggles does that to you. Oh, and lets not forget to mention the fact that you were raised as a Muggle."

Harry couldn't do anything except smile at the other boy. "You really have changed."

"I'm glad you think so," Draco chuckled, gently rubbing Harry's hands with his thumbs.

Only if this moment could last forever.

*     *     *

Harry managed to convince Draco not to go to work for the next few days; 'It's still Christmas season after all.' Though he couldn't stop Draco on New Year's Eve so he had to come up with another plan.

Auror work had also been quiet recently. Harry laughed at the thought of dark witches and wizards wanting to celebrate with their families instead of risking their lives being evil and everything.

But because of Harry's extensive free time, he found himself spending most of New Year's Eve with Draco in Le Café de Carnation again. Draco had also decided to employ Viridis without consulting his boss. It seemed at this point, he was the owner of the cafe.

Although Draco wanted to focus on cleaning the cafe (since there had been a lack of customers for the past hour) without getting carried away by conversation and accidentally mopping the same spot twice, Harry didn't find himself getting bored. He watched Draco from on top of the counter, taking in the citrus scent of whatever was in the bucket while enjoying the presence of the blonde . . . and his looks.

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