Arc VII - Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Edmen: New barkeep, meet the boss.

I look back at the bartender who gave me a really serious glare. I also saw that he was quite young. In fact, he doesn't even look eighteen.

???: Marcus, this is the replacement?

Marcus: Sure is boss. She's quiet, unsuspecting, a coward.

???: Cowards don't last here.

Marcus: That can be fixed later. Right now, we just need to moved to another position. If anyone suspects your father is dead, everyone will know who's running our group.

The boy grumbles for a moment before looking at me.

Gaven: Gaven. I run this part of town since my father passed away.

He definitely killed his father. I can already tell he's ruthless enough to do that and that's probably why he's the one who runs this group.

Gaven: You ever been to a bar?

Evelynn: N-no sir.

Gaven: You'll start your training tomorrow. If you can be ready before the week is over, you got the job. Otherwise, I'll sell ya to whoever you screwed over.

Jocelin: What!?

Jocelin comes over and slams her hands on the bar with Gaven quickly swiping away the shot glass she would've broken.

Jocelin: That's not nearly enough time boss. You literally own every legal and illegal drink in America and most of our regulars know that.

Gaven: It'll be a test of her worth. The last idiot was a loyalist to my father and even he wasn't perfect.

He then grabs her by the exposed bra and pulls her down to him face-to-face.

Gaven: Think with your head and not your vagina you dumbass.

He then shoves her back rather hard. By complete instinct I grab her by the arm, preventing her from falling over.

Jocelin: T-thanks Eve.

Evelynn: You're welcome.

I could hear Gaven scoff before he walks toward the backdoor.

Gaven: Edmen, hold down the fort. I need to wash up.

As he disappeared into wherever that door leads, Edmen hops over the bar and began to get too work.

Marcus: So yeah, that's our boss. As you can see, he's very serious about his uh chosen path in life.

Jocelin: Yeah, the one he develops enough edge to cut people with a stare.

Both Marcus and Edmen roll their eyes. The latter of which then places a bunch of bottles in front of me.

Edmen: I'm gonna give you a few quick lessons. While I'll follow that kid to my dying breathe, Marcus is right. We've got a few days till the deadline so best we get started now.

Marcus: While you do that, I'll distract the boss with something. Perhaps the information I got before being placed in a jail cell will suffice?

He then gives us a double wink before walking through the backdoor. While Edmen began to teach me what drinks were what, when to use them, and what they meant, I realize just how hard this job actually was. Some of these drinks had emotional purposes, confidence boosters, or to loosen someone's tongue. While he did that, I bite my lower lips as I feel Jocelin rub her hand near my ass. Since she wasn't looking, I slowly move my ribbon-disguised lashers away from there. I didn't want to harm her just yet. Actually, I don't know if I want to harm her at all.

Once Edmen had his back turned, she gets up in my ear.

Jocelin: My apartment is two blocks south of here. After we're done, wanna go have a real party?

Fuck, her lust was driving me nuts. If she knew what I really was, I wouldn't limit myself to just female hardware. Eating and scissoring aren't bad though.

Evelynn: Sounds like a plan.

She purrs in my ear before gripping my ass cheek. My lip was beginning to bleed from how hard I was biting it, but it would be worth it. I was no longer confused by these stupid emotions, at least, for now. I was excited and ready to do what I love to do. It gave me purpose in my existence and my purpose is all I need.

I'll have to wait on that agony bit though.


Though her place was a mess, the biggest mess was the one we made last night. Once I started getting serious, she was a submissive pet. Unfortunately, our fun last night had drained a lot out of me, leaving me quite tired. The mark did more than give me other emotions, it also gave me a limited stamina, and need for sleep. If I could, I'd kill the boy just for those two alone. The emotions were hardly a problem by comparison.

When I did wake up, it was too the smell of something delicious. After yawning for a moment, I get some clothes on, which is just my panties and shirt, and then head downstairs. Funnily enough, Jocelin wore the same things. I almost wanted to go in and rip them off of her but I didn't have the energy right now. Stupid mark...

Evelynn: Is that my good puppy?

I see her kinda shiver a little before she looked back at me.

Jocelin: Good morning you.

As I get close, I throw my arms around her waist and lay my head on her shoulder.

Evelynn: That was fun.

Jocelin: It definitely was. It's always the quiet ones that are freaky in the sheets. Makes me wonder what you'd be capable of with a little more confidence.

Evelynn: Having a confidence booster would help a lot.

She hums a little and begins to sway her body. I look down at the omelet she was making and was curious. I don't think I've ever eaten human food before. Curiosity was natural and kept me from thinking about my other problems.

Evelynn: That looks good.

Jocelin: I hope it tastes good. I'm cooking something simple cause uh... I don't usually have guests over.

I could tell from the moment I walked in. Her place is small, messy, and kinda stinks. One thing I understand about human society here is taxes and rent. That causes stress and stress can cause agony, like a domino effect. If she's working with criminals, she probably makes enough money to afford food but lacks the time to keep her place clean. If Gaven is as hard on her as he seems to be, she probably gets less money and time. Not sure why I care, this is mostly a business transaction, even if she doesn't know it.

That's... what I tell myself anyways.

Something feels different. I feel it now and I felt it last night. Something is happening to me, deep in the back of my mind.

Jocelin: It should be ready in a minute. After this, we'll be off for work. You might want to go get some clothes on.

All I do is groan into her neck, causing her to squirm and giggle.

Jocelin: Stoooop! That tickles!

I wanted to go further but that feeling started getting worse and I needed it too stop. Pulling away from her, I turn and head back to the bedroom.

Evelynn: I'll just wear something you'd wear. Need to look the part after all. Maybe I'll even take a page from your book.

I definitely want to keep having fun with her but I need to do it in modesty. Preservation is important here since she's only human. Wait, no, that's that feeling speaking again. Fuck, what happened to me last night!? Just... play it cool Eve. You'll get all your answers in time. You just have to be patient. Finding human works to distract myself with will hopefully help. I'll have plenty of that to do for a bit.

Actually, I might go and pay that boy a visit. If he's still in that pitiful state of mind, I may be able to test the limits of my powers. Maybe even throw a wrench further into his life as payback for placing this mark on me.

That I could get behind as well.

A Brand New Legend Pt 1. (A League of Legends Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now