Arc VI - Chapter 13

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Teemo POV

After they arrived with the groceries, we all had a great lunch. Ahri was never far from Ari but I guess that's what happens when you're a single letter apart. Riven still didn't say much aside from asking questions about burgers. Kai'sa also looked like she was contemplating something and Rakan looked in mirror, making sure his hair was alright.

We are the weirdest looking family.

Teemo: So does anybody have any idea what we're going to do for the rest of the day?

Y/N: I called over the others so they could hang out. My house can support nine people for a little bit. It's why I bought extra snacks.

Rakan: Can I have the chocolate now?

Y/N: No.

Rakan: Come on! Just a little nibble?

Ahri: You are such a child.

Rakan: Nuh uh!

Ahri: Yuh huh!

Fools, compared to me you all are literally children! I won't say that out loud though. I don't want to hear any boomer jokes. Not even from you people.

Y/N then sneezes really loudly, scaring poor Ahri and Ari.

Riven: Bless you.

Y/N: Thank you.

He then sneezes again, and again. After the last one, he groans a little and grabs a paper towel to blow his nose. That's right, we never checked if he was allergic to anything.

Teemo: Are you allergic to anything?

Y/N: I shouldn't be. Unless my parents...

He sneezes again. Y/N had now been marked for concern. Ahri then goes and presses her hand against his forehead and she trembled a little.

Ahri: Y/N, you're freezing.

Y/N: I do feel a little cold.

We were all surprised by how hoarse his voice was. Y/N rubs his neck and gurgles his throat with a slight wince.

Y/N: Crap, I think I may have a cold...

Wait a minute, have we ever seen Y/N sick before? I don't think anyone here knows how to be a doctor. Well, I guess I am but that was for Yordle's specifically. Humans are out of my pay grade.

Kai'sa: How would you have developed that in such short notice?

Y/N: I could've picked it up at anytime. Ugh, nope, shutting up now.

He then goes to a cabinet and pulls out some medicine for him to take. He nearly coughs it out though.

Y/N: Yeah, I think I'll just go to bed now.

Kai'sa: Allow me to accompany you then.

Y/N: No no, I don't want you catching this.

Kai'sa then activates her suit, just without the giant shoulder cannon things.

Kai'sa: Now I can't. Come on.

With her help, Y/N was brought up the stairs and into his room. This left the rest of us with little to do. I think I'll just watch some TV until Dustin gets here. Evelynn may have spoiled the mood earlier but me and Rakan won't be beaten by a hoe. We still need to plan the prank for later. As I got the TV on, I flip through the channels until I land on a show from a thing called Nickelodeon?

Teemo: Spongebob Squarepants?

Rakan: Oh! I love this show!

He then hops up right next to the TV and started doing what looked like the dumbest dance I've ever seen him do.

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