Arc VI - Chapter 12

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I was slow and hesitant but I open the door just enough to see inside. From what I could see, Carl was laying in bed with a blank stare toward the ceiling. His eyes don't even shift as I a close the door behind me.

Y/N: Carl...?

No response. It felt like I was walking on landmines here. As I got closer, I could tell he was crying recently. No doubt this wasn't the first or last time. Once I was close enough, I crouch next to the bed and just analyze his expression. He then lets out a low sigh and glances at me.

Carl: Hey Leaguer.

Y/N: Hey... Have they been treating you well?

Carl: As best as they can.

He returns his gaze to the ceiling like nothing had changed before. I'm honestly not sure what to do or say. Comforting words are pointless and the offer of any help may go unheard. All I could do was slowly put my hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: Travis said that the last thing James said was your name.

Carl: Yeah.

That just means the death was more heartbreaking. People usually think or call out for their loved ones right before they die. My mind than began creating all the scenarios that I didn't want to even have nightmares about. Just the thought was heartbreaking. If it had been Marco, Dustin, or Sonya or any one of our family members, I don't know what I would do. Even less so than what to do here. When I stopped thinking about it, I realized I had basically latched my arms around Carl in a weird hugging position.

Carl: Y/N...?

Y/N: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Carl: It ain't your fault.

If only you knew. Carl then presses his hand against my chest and slowly forces me to disconnect from him.

Carl: Listen, things will be alright soon. At least, that's what I've heard. I'm just another guy caught in the crossfire. It happens all the time.

Damn it Y/N, don't say anything. Just leave before you start to cry yourself.

Y/N: Okay... Just wanted to check on you. I... hope you get better soon.

Carl: We can only hope.

I'm not sure where I expected the conversations to go but I did expect to be here longer than ten minutes. As I was walking back out to the limousine, I glance down at my mark. Heartbreak was replaced with anger. I wanted to teach Evelynn a lesson but it wasn't right. I can't give into my own emotions like this. Crying over a dead person is one thing but tormenting a soul that wants to see you in this state is another. Hate is such a strong word and emotion so much so that I've tried my best to never hate anyone in my life.

This time though, I can genuinely say that I hate Evelynn.

Even more than that, I hate myself.

It's my fault that James is dead, that all those innocent patients are dead, that every that has been killed and tormented by Evelynn. Now here she is, pissing my friends off cause she knows how to press people's buttons.  My only hope is that this mark did have some effect on her. Once I arrived at the limousine, I slid right back inside and sat right next to Kai'sa.

Kai'sa: That was fast... Are you alright?

Y/N: Just a bit upset and since you're now one of my girls, I'll just have to cling to you for some comfort.

A bit selfish of me but I think we could both use it. She allows me to lean on her while she holds me up.

Y/N: Jarold, take us back home, please.

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