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" Oh you're finally here ? " Said Seungcheol

Indeed, our two friends have finally arrived with the others, the music pounding in their ears again, finally they were much better together away from this, the tranquility is more soothing than the party...
Joshua and Jeonghan noticed this, and together they decided to leave the two boys alone, so they invited people into the living room, then came to Minghao and Jun's side...

" The rest of the evening goes like this..."

" Like this ? What does that mean ? "

Jeonghan pushes his brother into the pool...
Joshua pushes Minghao in too...

" Good evening lovers ! " Says Jeonghan

" You fools ! We're not in love ! "

Jun kicks the water, then sighs in displeasure...
Minghao walks slowly towards his elder, leaning on him...

" These two have really well found each other..." says Minghao.

" They look good together, but all they know how to do is bullshit. "

" It's nothing, it's not cold."

Jun nods his head in agreement with his friend, then suddenly an idea pops into his head, he discreetly dips his hand into the water to send this at Minghao and voilà how a water battle begins between them, bursts of laughter fill the space...
After a few minutes.
Jun manages to catch Minghao, their eyes lock, time freezes, delicately, the elder puts his younger brother's hair back in place...
Minghao's hands come to his elder's back, his fingertips caressing the blond's trim body, his cheeks tinting as he touches...
Jun notices and comes over to whisper in his younger son's ear...

" Why are you blushing ? It's not the first time you've touched my back."

" It's so well traced..."

" You're so cute. "

Minghao closes his eyes to calm down, if this keeps up this evening is going to take a different turn, he doesn't want his eldest to find out about his feelings like this....

" We can get out of here, I'm getting cold." Says the youngest

" Yes, let's go..."

Jun lets go of his youngest, then swims to the edge of the pool, leaning on it to pull himself out of the water...
Minghao also arrives, trying to do the same as his eldest but unfortunately not succeeding...
The blond laughs softly, then holds out his hand to his younger brother, who grabs it and finally manages to get out of the pool...

" Thanks..."

" My pleasure, little baby. "

" You'll never stop calling me that..."

" Of course not, you're my best friend, and I'll name you that as long as you have that title."

Minghao bows his head with a sigh...

《 Best friend, of course...》

What else but, in Jun's eyes, Minghao is just his best friend, his brother at heart, his favorite youngest, that's what Minghao keeps repeating to himself in his head....

《 He'll never see me the way I want him to 》

The colored one raises his gaze to his eldest, scrutinizes him and swallows, tears threatening to fall...

《 Anyway he's too good for me, I'd rather keep my feelings quiet, than lose him, being his friend suits me...》

Sure for now Minghao, for now, but for how long are you going to put up with it ?

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