Chapter Twenty Nine - Daella

Start from the beginning

"Do you think they would still have the offering?"

He glances at me before returning to focus on the flames, the tiny fire fae turn into trees, growing around the bonfire, leaves falling around them, the fae dancing around the falling sparks of flame with hands above their heads.

"No. Before everything changed, Fae and Humans lived in unity. There was no barrier stopping the humans from coming into our lands. Fae and Humans were known to co-exist in peace. Of course this was centuries ago. The thought of it ever being that way again is an impossible one."

I nod, still watching the fire trees swaying and moving with the breeze.

"How are you able to talk with me and still create all of this?" I ask in awe, watching as the leaves on the fire trees change into butterflies as they float and flitter over the fire, the fae dancing around cheering at the change.

"Well I would like to be able to say it is just natural ability and talent, but in truth it is a lot of practice and many years of training. Fire doesn't naturally want to conform, its true desire is to be free and wild," I can feel him watching me and I turn, finding his dark eyes studying me, his words filling my mind. "But, with the right techniques, fire can be shaped, never controlled, but guided to move and bend."

What had he called my temper, a little fire, a spark?

Is that how he saw me? Like a flame, wanting to be free, wild, unwilling to conform.

"True fire can never be controlled, that was the first thing I needed to learn when I developed my magic." He says, turning back to the bonfire.

The butterflies blend into the flames, one single butterfly flutters away, wings flapping in the darkness as it nears us, its body and wings bright orange and red, it is beautiful, I watch as it floats towards me.

Aeris faces me, he holds out his hand and the butterfly lands on it, wings folding back.

I want to touch it, to feel it. I reach my finger out towards the delicate creature.

But Aeris takes my hand.

"It's fire dearest, it might look beautiful but it still burns."

I look up at him and find him smiling down at me, amusement on his expression.

"It doesn't burn you." I say softly.

He shakes his head. "My magic can't harm me." I watch utterly transfixed as the butterfly lifts up, wings flapping as it floats and flutters in the air between us before returning to the bonfire joining the flames.

I find myself smiling and look up at Aeris. "Thank you, I've never seen anything so wonderful in all my life, I doubt I will ever again."

"You're very welcome dearest, now as much as I would like to keep you to myself for the rest of the night, why don't you go and enjoy the rest of the festival. I'll be at the main bonfire for a while longer and I'm sure Alvy is wondering around looking for you."

"Do you need a drink or something? You're starting to sound considerate." I tease.

He grins. "No, I'm on my best behaviour tonight until my duties are done. Excessive amounts of alcohol and magic don't mix well."

"Daella!" I hear someone call out my name and turn to find Elsie and Layla, their identical faces smiling with wide excited grins, flower garlands on their bright copper hair and one in Elsie's hands.

"Happy Solstice." Layla smiles as she takes the garland and sets it on my head.

"There, now you are properly dressed." Elsie laughs. "Come dance with us." She smiles taking my hand and pulling me after her while Layla takes my other hand.

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