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Junhui goes to the cafeteria after his class was over to meet Minghao as they agreed earlier that they're having lunch together. He looked up everywhere to see Minghao in their usual spot, reading a book.

He didn't want to interrupt what Minghao's reading so he just walks closer to him, smiling by just seeing the glimpse of his mate, he really couldn't help himself but fell harder for Minghao.

He walk slowly behind Minghao and pats his back, making Minghao flinched and look back in an instant.

It caught Minghao off guard as he was embedded on what he was reading, but he felt relieved when he looked back to see Junhui.

"God! You scared the hell out of me." Minghao said, putting his hand on his chest.

"You're deeply immersed in your books." Junhui said, laughing and earning a smack from Minghao.

Junhui sat down beside Minghao and took a peek at what Minghao is reading. He already knew that it was a novel 'Pride and Prejudice' the moment he sees the cover. He just read it once but it gives him a different perspective in life.

"So you're into these types of novels, huh?" Junhui asked.

"Yeah, so?" Minghao said, didn't even look at Junhui as he continues to read.

"Don't you think they kind of resembles us a little?" Junhui asked, loking up at the ceiling while crossing his arms.

Minghao look at him and tilt his head, completely baffled by what Junhui meant to that.

"Huh? How so?" Minghao asked in a state of confusion.

"The first half of that story is where the main character and the male lead were quite hostile to each other." Junhui said.

"But after having an amount of time on each other's side, they ended up together." He added, looking at Minghao and smiles.

He slowly leans his head towards Minghao's ears and then mumbles...

"That sounds like us, isn't it?" Junhui whispered, making Minghao puff and blush, also turning his ears completely red from Junhui's breath That's hitting his ear.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Minghao said, putting some distance between him and Junhui until he reaches the end side of the seat.

Junhui smiles and starts to burst out laughing seeing Minghao's reaction. He couldn't help but to tease him more, making his heart skipped a beat looking at Minghao turning like a tomato.

"We're not!" Minghao said in a high tone, caught completely off guard by it.

"Well, not yet." Junhui proudly said at himself.

"Quite shameless, aren't you?" Minghao stated, scoffs at the proud Junhui.

Junhui again comes a little closer at him, cupping Minghao's cheeks, saying something that gives him butterflies om that very moment.

"You're mine, my love. I'll kill anyone who dares to take you away from me. Mark my word." Junhui said, a cold tone and a serious face is all Minghao could see and hear.

Minghao didn't know if Junhui was joking or not, yet either way around, it makes his heart flutter hearing those words.

It's the first time he heard someone said that to him, and on top of that, it was Junhui who said it. Well, he'd expected that if it was Junhui who said it, but he felt ecstatic hearing those words in person rather than just an imagination.

"You!" Minghao couldn't utter to speak a single word as his whole face were getting more redder than it is.

"I'm serious. I'm only yours and you're only mine, got it?" Junhui added, staring at Minghao who's embarrassed yet astonished to say anything.

Deadly Scent //JunHao//Where stories live. Discover now