Rocky's pain

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Warning: one of the flashbacks has mentions of rape, and another has mentions of abuse. The one that mentions rape also has murder in it. If you don't feel comfortable, you can skip this chapter or look for the * in front of the word flashback for the rape trigger, and # in front of the word flashback for the abuse trigger.

When I got across the water, all I could feel was pain. I blacked out from it, I can honestly say, this may be the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I have no idea how long I have been in and out of it due to the pain and the blood loss. All I can think about is my memories on the Ark, I wonder if this is my life flashing before my eyes. Am I dying?

When I was 8, I was hanging out with Bellamy Blake. We were currently running through the halls playing tag. He is it, and so I'm running away, trying to not let him get me and I know he is letting me win.

"I'm gonna get you Rocky!" Bellamy exclaims, as he has a harder time than I am wesving around people. He is 6 years older than me, so his 14 year old self is struggling to keep up.

"Noo!!" I laugh, I want to find a place to hide but he is so close to me I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without him being right behind me. He will always find me.

All I can feel is pain.. It feels like it will never end.. I think about the day I met Octavia.

I was 11, Octavia was 10, Bellamy was 16. Bellamy and I were watching the stars through a window, as we sat on the ledge. Watching the stars became my escape, I needed an escape now more than ever, but Bellamy doesn't know that, he just thinks I'm stressed about school or something. He can never know the truth.

"Hey, Rocky? Can you keep a secret?" Bellamy hesitantly asked me. I could see the fear in his eyes. I have never seen him look so scared in my life.

"Of course, what's going on, Bell?" I asked him, as I put my hand on one of his. He was quiet for a minute but then he got up and started pacing, which worried me. "Bellamy, what's going on, are you ok? I-is your mom ok?" I frantically asked. He's being unusually weird right now.

Suddenly he turns and rushes back over to me, causing me to flinch, which if he saw it, he didn't comment on it.

"I have a sister. You can't tell anyone, I mean it, my mom could be floated for it." He frantically whispered to me, causing my eyes to widen and my jaw to drop.

"W-wow. Uhm.. a sister? Um, how old is she?" I asked, trying to come to terms with that since no one has a sister, it's been outlawed and anyone caught having multiple kids gets put to death.

"She turned 10 this year, she's getting so big so fast. It's unreal." He says, starting to smile. I can see the shine in his eyes as he talks about his sister, I can see how much love he has for her.

"Wow, 10? You have been keeping this big of a secret for that long? Are you ok? You know if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here for you. I know I'm younger than you but you're my best friend and I never want you to be alone, Bell." I ranted out a little bit, causing him to chuckle as he pulls me into a hug, mumbling a thank you into my hair.

"So, tell me all about this sister of yours. Can I meet her?" I asked, once we pulled away from the hug.

"Her name is Octavia, I actually got to name her. She has brown hair, she's about your height, just a little bit shorter. She has brown eyes." And we just went back and forth, talking about Octavia for hours, until he realized he needed to get back home soon.

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