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Clearing my throat I gazed around to see that we were indeed alone. 'That actually worked.' Still not believing we were alone so I looked past the wall to see no one. A bit astonished at how easy that was. And embarrassed at being caught making out. Which was new as I never cared before, but knowing it was with my mate seemed to grow humility in me.

"I think..." Clearing my throat as I became aware of the tightness in my pants. "I think it's safe to head back now." Positioning my shirt to cover my hard on as best as I could with a shaky breath. 'Keep calm. Keep calm. Keep calm damnit. Breathe slowly and it'll go away.' Kamille breathlessly laughed taking my hand into hers as she was the one to drag me now.

"I'm sure the others wondered where we disappeared off to." Staring at Kamille's back as we made our way down. Still reeling from the thought that she could be mine. I dared not let myself get my hopes up in fear that one day Kamille would decide to reject our pairing. But I be damned if I didn't at least ruin her before then. I don't think I could stand thinking about another pleasuring her. No. When she is ready I'll make it difficult for her to gain that satisfaction with anyone else but me. And if she does leave in the end, at least the one she would be imagining would be me.

"Kamille! Alpha!" Head snapping up to spot Liz frantically waving at us. The creases on her forehead from her worry slowly disappeared as she smiled wide with a mischievous grin. Zack and Alec beside her with smirks of their own. Goddess they already knew something happened and I desperately wanted to wipe those grins away. "Now where exactly did you two disappeared off to hm?" The teasing begins.

"Away from the screaming crowd of raging fans. You all know I can't handle being grabbed by sex-crazed women. Some of them were even young girls. I'm not in the habit of letting myself be preyed on by pups." Shivering at the disturbing thought. Liz seemed to take my answer and grabbed Kamille's other hand. Dragging her off, taking Kamille's warmth and comfort away from me. Sighing I followed after them while Alec and Zack teased me further. Pointing out that I rarely let my hair down along with the casualness of my attire. Grabbing Zack in a head lock to mess up his perfectly combed hair. Alec cackling before I turned my attention to him. The three of us roughing each other up playfully. Cracking jokes with the rest that caught up to us. The women in our group seamlessly flowing from one store to another. It wasn't until we reached the store meant for our kind did I find a place to sit. Plopping my ass down into a loveseat styled chair that I let out a long sigh.

"Truly nothing huh? A normal run and hide until the coast is clear?" Zack spoke calmly. Taking his own seat on a foot stool nearby, bringing up the conversation again.

"Of course nothing happened. Why else would he alter his appearance. It's something he always does." Alec's all knowing gaze speared me in my spot. But I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction.

"Running around conducts heat, in order to stay cool you take clothing off accordingly."

"Right and the Luna suddenly got cold from all the running." Alec stated sarcastically when he sat on the left armrest. His eyes trained on our group just like mine and Zack's were. Every sudden jolt of movement one of us followed closely while the other two continued to survey the surrounding. My gaze falling on Kamille and Liz. They both had arms full of clothes and looking through another rack.

"She isn't Luna yet." I commented before falling silent again as the girls walked by us to the dressing rooms. My gaze continued to trail Kamille until I could no longer see her. "Besides why are you so interested on what me and Kamille are up to? Are you not getting enough attention from your own mate." Dropping my head down to my hands. Fiddling with the hem of my shirt

"Sounds like you're not getting attention from the Luna." Luka's voice carried over to us. Looking up to see him frown at Zack and carded his fingers through his mates hair. Pushing the loose strands back into place. His smile returning when he was happy with the result.

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