"If you fail science I will rip you out of your medical class by the collar." She still sounded annoyed but thoughtful at the same time. There was no doubt in my mind that this jerk yet sexy mate of mine would do just that. Maybe even enjoy it at the same time, I know I would if she did. My mouth is moving on its own and for once I had no clue as to what I said. My mind is too preoccupied with the thought of Ezra man-handling me. Hearing her speak again but this time I had to really focus to grasp what she was saying.

"Being tied down Raul was not something I could have imagined nor fathom. His gentle gaze not matching the cold dark one I was now staring up into. Shivering at the thought that tonight might be the night that he made me his. Made me the Luna of his pack." I can die of embarrassment right now after she read a passage from one of my books. So how was it that my mind still was on a whole other thought process. Wanting Ez to tie me down and have her fun with me. I now understood what she and the textbooks were talking about. The dire need to complete a bond and the longing you experience only doubles the longer it goes without being completed. My mind did eventually catch up with me as I found that I had literally climbed her at some point. Our faces coming close to one another. Enough that if I leaned in I could kiss her. Fighting with my desires and it telling me what was expected of me to do in this situation. Logic though told me now wasn't the time. I may be ready but Ez wasn't.

"Kamille if you may please get down. I'm not a tree."

"But I'm your koala, so naturally you're my tree." I pouted. A pained look crossed her features as she gently pried me off her. Her soft dismissal nearly missed as she hurried out of my room. Believing that I had pushed her a little too far I left her alone for the rest of the night. The next day I returned her clothes only for her to strike a deal with me. I was allowed to take one to two items at a time as long as I brought them back before if I wanted a different one. A tad bit happy that the incident didn't make her push me away again. Though it did eventually lead to me sneaking a few more items than promised again. Causing Ez to kick my door open demanding that I return most of what I had taken. I was glad that she wasn't forbidding me from borrowing her clothes. Because I enjoyed wearing what had her scent. It calmed me down and felt protected at school. I'd rather take her clothes than ask to sit in her office just to be close to her.

Sleeping was easier too when I slept in her shirt or sweater. I would get sweet dreams of her when I did. And sometimes it wandered to ones a little more lewd. Where I let the fantasy play out with one hand covering my mouth and the other under my underwear touching myself. I never had been with anyone sexually or wanted to be with anyone in that way. But when it came to Ezra I was utilizing everything I knew from the books I read to satisfy my craving. And it was no different like tonight. My imagination having created a scenario for me to dive into.

My door was kicked open to reveal a very devilishly half clothed Ezra. The soft light of the moon fluttering in from the window across the room to illuminate her. Water droplets falling from her long wet hair sparkled in the light. Her scent of fresh mint was raw and over powering the earthy smell of her body soap. Mouth watering from how good it smelt and how addicting it was to inhale. I slowly sat up in my bed watching her trying to hide how I found her attractive.

"Ezra? What's wrong?" My breathing coming out more like small pants. She didn't say a word but did enter my room silently making her way towards me. Crawling onto my bed at the foot of it before pining me in place. Still no word spoken as she gently pulled me into a kiss. Her other hand exploring my body and exposing it to the chill air. The heat from her hand felt like fire against me even if it wasn't touching my bare skin. Pulling up my silk and lace nightgown up to my hips. A moan was escaping from me when the kiss was deepened. Head becoming light from the lack of oxygen.

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