Alec is a childhood friend and adopted brother. We had been inseparable ever since I found him in the woods. Wandering alone at the age of three. Turns out he was forced to become rogue after his mother died and pack kicked him out. He had been alone for a few months just roaming around. I managed to convince my parents to adopt him. He was my first brother and friend. We were together when we found our parents bodies. He was the one to check to see if our baby brother was okay but we couldn't find him.

I may have lost my family but Alec lost another piece of himself. He took the loss harder than I did. He became distant to everyone but me, along with being protective. We had to be strong for each other even if we were separated at the moment. It also took me a while to convince Alec that Zack and Liz were good and wouldn't hurt him. After that we made a pact, that we would keep each other safe as a true pack. Sure we were young and small at the time of making the pact. But we all had one thing in common, we were all orphans.

"Yo Ez just in time!" Zack called out making the others look in my direction.

"Sorry I was almost late. So who's excited for camping?" I asked reaching our small group.

"Are you kidding? I rather stay in a cabin that has a bed and an actual shower." Liz whined while the rest of us laughed.

"Liz this is literally testing our survival skills in the wild. Not to stay in a fancy cabin." Alec teased. Messing up her hair before dodging her aimed attack. They chased each other around while Zack and I laughed.

Eventually the teachers wrangled us all up into multiple buses. On our way to a national park not far from the territory. Allowing us to tap into our wolves to hone our survival tactics. While we traveled down the road we all came up with plans. Who would collect fire wood, food and set up base.

"Liz, you and Alec should set up home base. Zack searches for the fire wood. And I'll go hunting for some food." I said.

"Well at least I don't have to get dirty much. Alec is great at building shelters." Liz commented.

"Hey you are helping too. I'm not building the shelter by myself." Alec responded. Once our plan was set we busied ourselves with small talk. Talking about supposed rogue wolf sightings through our small pack bond. Just to keep others from eavesdropping into our conversation.

"Will we be safe in our location?" Liz asked as fear was evident in her tone.

"I'm sure the teachers took that into account before planning this trip. We will be fine, if anything we can protect you from them." I reassured her. Though I myself was sure as hell, couldn't take on a full grown rogue. Let alone protect everyone. Rogues we're on a different level. Being more in tune with their wild wolf side than their humanity. The bus came to a halt signaling that we reached our destination.

Outside teachers handed each group a walkie-talkie in case of an emergency. Then let us all disperse into the woods once we had everything we came with. As much as I loved running in the woods. This was definitely a different experience. Knowing we would be staying a week without supervision. We were all guarded as we kept hearing noises around us.

"This is ridiculous!" I cried out. "Why are we freaking out over nothing?" I kicked a branch into some bushes.

"Yeah, we need to chill out. I mean we are wolves are we not? Granted young ones but still." Zack sighed out. However we spoke too soon. The branch I kicked ended up hitting a sleeping porcupine. Running for our lives screaming as a spiky ball of death chased us. When we stopped to catch our breath the porcupine was long gone. Gazing about to see we ended up by a river. Having a running flow of water by camp was a good idea for food source.

Alpha's Second Chance (Edited version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن