"I do not melt. I'm heading to my office. If you need me, no you don't." I joked. Having to dodge the pillow that was thrown at me.

Sitting at my desk typing an email before sending it. Thinking about not getting the time to talk to Kamille before she went to school. Asking Zack to send her straight to my office the minute she got home. So we could begin her first lessons on being a werewolf.

I trusted my academy's schooling system. But only so much could be cover in a short amount of time. I didn't feel as if they would be helping with her basics. With a sigh I closed my laptop and sat back. Rubbing at my temples to ease the throbbing headache that threatened to appear. A soft knock at the door drew my attention. "Enter." Was my only response. Kamille quietly walked in closing the door behind her. Taking notice of her tensed form and worn out facial features. A big sign of a wolf in distress.

"Everything alright there?" I asked politely and gestured for her to take a seat in the chair in front of my desk. She sat and fidgeted with her hands. Not wanting to look up at me. Not liking this change in her mood I moved to stand in front of her. "What ails you princess?" Raising her chin with an index finger till she was looking up at me. Silver-blue eyes meeting my mismatched ones. Finding all I needed in just that one look. Her wolf was trying to break free from its cage. Tormenting her in the process.

The distress was worse than I expected. But this wasn't something I could help her with. Every wolf had to figure their own way out of that cage. But something about this, about Kamille, it bothered me to my core. I wanted to help her. Wanted to coax her wolf out with mine. "Um Alpha... you're a little too close." Blinking a few times. Processing her timid voice and how close I had gotten. Our faces not far from each other. Not enough to breathe in the same air space but still close.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to invade your personal space." I cursed myself for stuttering. Mainly for not noticing what I was doing. I was no longer a pup who just found their mate. I blame the strange shock between us and the fact it's been a while since I've been laid. Taking my seat to put that space between us again. Trying to think when I had leaned in the way I did. Why had I done that?

Kamille pulled out a piece of paper from her backpack. "I'm supposed to give this to you. Something about getting insight before I start the class." Taking the offered paper to go over it. It was her schedule, most was electives. Which was good seeing that she had a decent education.

"Good news is that you don't have to take much of the required classes. Bad news is most of your electives are about learning how to cooperate with your wolf side. And supernatural biology. Oh and it looks to me that you will need extra attention in gym." I said with a smirk. Thinking about the many ways I could help her with that. Of the many activities we could partake. Especially when stretching her-

"Are you calling me fat?!" Kamille yelled. Glancing to her with a raised brow. Now why on earth would I say that. Unless someone had told her that before. If anything she was too thin. Not that weight mattered in my eyes. But for a wolf to be healthy she definitely needed more weight on her.

"Did those words come out of my mouth?" This made her blush and begin to stutter herself. "I merely meant that you are not very adequate in being physical. I unfortunately can't have a weak wolf running around with me. That will not only put me at a disadvantage. And will harm the pack during battle." That was a lie. Why was I lying to her? Most people in my territory were weak. That's why I pushed to have strong wolves. To protect those that can't protect themselves. Along with a massive wall boarding around majority of my territory. So why was I forcing her to get stronger? Kamille nodded in embarrassment by her assumption along with the outburst. I sat there watching her, silently observing her closely.

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