"How dare you talk back to me! I am your father, what I say goes and that is final!" The anger in his eyes trying to burn a hole into me.

"I will be eighteen in two months, I think I have every right to say what I can and can't do. Saying that you are my father means nothing. For all I know you stopped being a father when mother died! All you want is control, all you want is for me to be your stupid little doll. That you can sell off to whoever you so wished because you don't want to be an adult and handle your own god damn problems!" Our back and forth banter must have pushed him completely over the edge. Because he snapped and backhanded me to the point I actually fell back. Hitting my head on something hard enough to knock my lights out.

When I came around I could hear people softly talking in the back ground. But couldn't make out what was being said. Cracking my eyes open only to flinch and shut them again because of the harsh bright light that surrounded the area. But the pounding of a headache was must worse as my head throbbed in pain. Fluttering my eyes to adjust better to the lighting. Coming to the realization I was back in my room and no longer in the garden. Touching my head to see if I was bleeding, which thankfully I wasn't. Slowly sitting up in bed with a bit of difficulty. My whole body ached as if I hadn't used a muscle for a while. At least I wasn't in the hospital again. I was an accident-prone child growing up. So that wouldn't have been strange for me to end up there. Though something told me that this time around, father didn't want me anywhere that he couldn't keep an eye on. A light knock rapped on the door before a woman came in. Dressed in a black pant suit and a white lab coat. Her dyed red hair pulled into a tight bun. I felt like I should know her but couldn't really put a name to it.

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly as she joined me at the bed.

"Head hurts and body is sore but that's about it." I told her honestly. Not a hundred percent sure if I could trust her just yet. If anything she could be someone my father hired to make sure I stayed quiet.

"That is to be expected you had a nasty fall I heard. Fell out of your window from being overwhelmed." That was interesting. So my father wanted to keep quiet about how I actually got hurt.

"I'm sorry I don't remember it too well." I said cautiously.

"That is normal for some head injuries. I'll ask a few routine questions, depending on the answers, you'll be allowed to get out of bed." The woman said checking a few vitals. Nodding in acknowledgement as I waited for her questions.

"What is your name and birthday?"

"Kamille Crystal Lovelace. Birthday is April 15th, 2000." I answered.

"And what is the last thing that you remember?" She took a step back and stuffed her hands into her coat pockets.

"Just that I felt like I needed some air. I tried to open the window, it was really stuck to the frame. Happens quite often actually but I usually have one of my brothers to help. But seeing as they weren't there at the time, I used all my weight to push it, lost my balance and fell." I lied.

"Well, that is most likely what happened. Your father had a similar story, not as detailed but still the same. You are cleared to leave the bed seeing as you have no need to stay in it any longer. Would you like me to have your father come in and check on you?"

"No!" I practically screamed at the woman. I definitely did not want to see my father in fear that he would just discipline me further. After seeing the look on the woman's face I cleared my throat. Thinking up a random excuse as to why I lashed out like that. "My father is a busy man, I hate to disturb him while he works." It took a minute but in the end she believed the lie.

"Then is there someone who can check up on you? It's just a precaution nothing more." She asked.

"My brother Max? He worries more than the others." I said. The woman nodded then left me alone to get dressed. Sometime later Max entered the room and hurried to my side. Giving me a tight embrace as if he thought I had passed away. "What has gotten into you?" I questioned.

"When father told us he found you in the garden. I had thought..." Hearing the pain in his voice said it all. He had thought I met the same end as our mother. Gently petting his head in reassurance that I was okay.

"It has only been a couple of hours, there is no need to get worked up." I teased trying to lighten the mood. He held me at arm's length and shook his head.

"Kam you have been out for nearly two weeks. This isn't something to joke about." My face fell at the realization. If it wasn't for Max holding me I would have crumpled to the floor. Father, our father had harmed me enough that I could have died this time. Turning wide eyes to Max in fear.

"He- I could have- I can't stay here I'm not safe!" I tried to break free of Max's hold but failed as he pulled me close to him. Hushing my sobs as he comforted me with his presence.

"Dad won't harm you anymore, he won't lay another finger on you. I'll make sure of it."

Much to his promise, Max spent the next week by my side. Not once leaving the room in fear that it would give our father a chance to visit me. Sharing meals together, watching whatever was on tv and reading books. I was still confined to my room but at least I had company to keep me from going insane.

I was finishing my dinner when I noticed Max didn't touch his plate. Curious I looked up to see him staring out the windows. His gaze never wavering from the full moon that shined beautifully. "Are you sure you don't want to go with the others? Normally you, Stefin, Vahn and others go out running in the woods. Doing god knows what and getting into mischief." I commented. Hesitantly Max turned his gaze towards me then back to the moon.

"I am needed here with you." He answered calmly. But I could see he was itching to be outside. I never understood the appeal of being outside in the woods at night. There was plenty of predators that could harm you. Not only that they all would go with nothing but shorts on. Which would always be shredded by the time they got home, if there was anything left of the fabric.

"Can we go to the library? I know everyone is on edge tonight but I would like a change of scenery if possible." That got his attention long enough for him to look at me and think.

"It would be unwise for us to leave," He started walking towards me with a smile. "However the windows can be opened in case we need to make a break for it." Winking at me then guided me towards the door. Sticking his head out to see if the coast was clear. Motioning me forward as we snuck out and made it to the library. Letting out a breath of air as I finally was in a new environment. Max moved to the window to keep an eye on the moon once more. Trying his best to become one with the wall he leaned up on. Moving to the nearest shelf and plucking a book from it then sat close by to Max. I still didn't feel comfortable to be too far from him just yet. Glancing out the window down to the garden. The light from the moon lighting up the plant life in a magical way. As if it was breathing life back into the flowers, shrubs and trees. Though the more I stared out the more of an urge to open the window grew.

Trying my best to push it down and keep it under wraps. Shaking my head I turned my attention to the book. I may have looked like I was reading the page but in reality I didn't even process a single word. Not being able to shake that feeling completely off I finally shut the book and set it down. Reaching over I opened the window as the nagging in my brain told me to. When I did open it eight random people leaped up and entered as if they were waiting. Each thanking me with a smile and nod when they stepped over me. The last person to enter through the window was none other than Killick himself. I stared at him and the others in disbelief. Other than Killick I remembered two others that were at the party as well.

"Hello there princess. Ready to go see if your deadbeat father is going to pay me?" Killick's voice soothing and light despite the fact there was a low rumble coming from his chest. And the smile he wore had me melting that it was directed to me and no one else. The only thought going through my head now was that this was going to be a long night.

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