"That is one mighty sigh you had there." My head shot up to look to an unnoticed company. A well-dressed man that looked as if he came from money. An all-black suit with no tie and an open collar. Long red hair that was partially pulled back. A few strands here and there falling lose, framing his mask. A black carved wolf mask with gold accents. Much like mine covered half his face. Sitting on the arm of the opposite sofa from me. How had I not noticed him before. Was a mystery considering how he stood out.

"My apologies I had no idea that you were there. I assumed I was alone." Mismatched blue and hazel eyes flicked in my direction. Glimmering against the dim light of the fireplace. He seemed to regard me silently before speaking again.

"No need to apologize. I was the one to startle you." The man turn his gaze back to the fire. Crossing his arms in the process. As if I wasn't here to begin with. Finding it odd that he wasn't trying to chat me up. Most would be trying to win me over by now. Was this man really not interested in me? Or was he trying to use a different approach compared to the others. What was I thinking? Of course there were going to be others out there. That had no interest in me what so ever. Though those that didn't find me interesting. Found my father's status promising. What better way to reach my father other than getting the attention of his daughter. Clearing my head as I stared at the fire as well. The crackling of the firewood sounded every so often. Working up the courage to speak again.

"I don't believe I caught your name." I said hoping to get it to figure out who this man was.

"That would be because I did not give it."

"Oh." I couldn't come up with anything better to say. "What is your name then?" I asked. Trying again but with a different approach.

"Ezra." He answered. Slowly he turned his head towards me. "And what is yours if I may ask." His eyes baring into me as if he could see right through me. A bit intimidated by his gaze.

"Kamille." Answering him the same way as he did. I guess he realized who I was because he sat up straight. Eyed me up and down before bowing his head.

"Forgive me I had no idea I was in your presence princess."

"There is no need for that. Kamille is more than enough." I sighed. Not wanting to deal with his sudden change in attitude. Great here we go with him trying to impress me. First he's going to point out that a beautiful woman such as me should be called a princess. Then he'll tell me how he has never been with a princess. Followed up with he could be my prince or knight in shining armor.

"Ah, but that would be disrespecting you. This is your home, aka castle. Given that you are not allowed to leave it. Your father is the king, your brothers are prince's. As a guest of yours, I can only address you properly. So, I will ask again. Please forgive me, princess." I was stunned to say the least. A response that was definitely not expected and clever. Not a hint of flirtation or mention of possibly getting to talk to my father. As impressive as that was, he still wasn't off the hook. There was still time for him to make his agenda known.

"What is your reasoning for being out here Ezra." His smile failed to reach his eyes.

"The same as you I presume. Taking a breather from tonight's festivities." I narrowed my eyes and gave him a sly smile.

"Sounds like a prepared response." That made him let out a breathy laugh.

"Surely all responses are prepared are they not? Else how is anyone to hold a conversation." Man this guy had an answer for everything.

"Okay I'll bite. What is your real reasoning for being out here. A man like you stands out. I'm sure you rather have women fawning over you, not be out here alone."

Alpha's Second Chance (Edited version)Where stories live. Discover now