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2 months later...

"So, we will be having our final tomorrow since the seniors will not be here the last 3 weeks." Mr. James states.

Kyla looks over to Ryder who gives her a faint smile.

"Good luck to the seniors with the next chapter of your lives, I know you all will bring many gifts to this world unless your name is Ryder." Mr. James says smirking.

Everyone laughs and Ryder rolls his eyes.

"Mr. James you'd be surprised at the colleges I got into." "And what would they be?" He asks crossing his arms and leaning back against his desk.

Ryder pulls out a notebook, "I have a list actually." Mr.James just furrows his eyebrows whilst the rest of the class does the same.

"Let's see here, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, Cornell, Brown, NYU, should I keep going?" Ryder asks looking up at Mr. James expression.

"No need, we'll done."

"Fuck." Kyla says, her eyes shutting. Her knuckles turning white from gripping the side of the seat, next to the head rest.

Ryder squeezes her waist, and watches as she moves her hips. "Atta girl."

Kyla throws her head back finishing as Ryder tenses up, finishing with her, he leans forward resting his head on her breasts, and she runs her fingers through his hair.

"So Yale?" Kyla questions jokingly. He leans back shrugging, "I don't know I haven't made a decision. I'm still considering in state colleges."

Kyla nods confused, considering Ivy leagues or any college for that matter, don't let candidates in this late, but she shakes it off.

"So round two?" Kyla asks. Ryder smirks, "get in the back princess."
Kyla excitedly hops back.

Ryder takes a deep breath, and hops back as well.

"How the hell am I supposed to tell her I'm moving across the country in 1 month?" Ryder says pacing back and forth. Jackson shrugs, "I don't know what to tell you, I'm staying in state."

Ryder rolls his eyes.

"Good for you, you get to stay will Ellie happily ever fucking after, and I have to tell the girl I love I have to leave." Ryder says.

"Love?" Jackson questions. Ryder stops for a second, "what?" Jackson cocks an eyebrow, "you said love."

"No I didn't." Ryder says sternly. "I haven't loved anyone since mia." Jackson smiles. "You have now."

Ryder continues pacing, "what do I even say to her, sorry I gotta go, across the fucking country for college, talk soon?" He throws his hands in the air stressed.

"What have you said to her?" Jackson asks.

"I told her I was considering in state that's why I haven't committed to an IVY and she loved the idea." Ryder says shamefully.

"I don't know what to tell you dude, you gotta be honest." Jackson shrugs.

Ryder slumps in Jackson's chair, "I'm so fucked."


Jackson looks over and grabs his phone, "ah it's your favorite ex." Jackson says giggling, Ryder just blankly stares.

"Mias throwing a party tomorrow, she invited all seniors and any plus ones." Jackson smiles, "I know who I'm bringing."

Kyla and Ellie suddenly bust in the room, "Mia's throwing a party, tomorrow, I'm so excited." Kyla says squealing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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