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I want to initially apologize! I am so late with this chapter it has been months and I'm sorry😭. I had writers block and was busy with classes, but now I am free and have a lot planned for this book.
Love, the author🫶🏻

Adrian looks over at his phone, it had just dinged, a text from Kyla.

"I'm sorry if I led you on but I'm uninterested."

Adrian laughs to himself, "Ryder."

Adrian smiles at his phone, but doesn't respond.

He stands in the mirror fixing his pajama pants. "She will get bored soon enough and be fixated on me again."

"Thank you for the ride." Kyla says standing outside of Ryders car door with it hanging open.

"No problem princess." Ryder says winking at her.

Kyla rolls her eyes, looking down a question pops into her head.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ryder asks.

"Can we.. tomorrow." Kyla mumbles.

"What?" Ryder asks confused.

"Nothing, I'll see you later."

"No, no what we're you going to say?"

Kyla sighs, "can we hangout tomorrow?"

Ryder smiles, "of course we can." Kyla nods trying to hold in her excitement. Ryder smile, "goodnight." With that she shuts the door and walks inside.
"Oh god, yes."

Kyla stops mid step up the stairs, she drops her head in defeat. She takes her phone out and texts Ellie.

"Hey whatcha up to?"

She looks up hearing a ding from Jackson's room.
"Please Jackson." Ellie moans out.

"Oh god, yes." Jackson groans. He wraps his hand around the back of her head leaning down and kissing her as he thrusts at the same time. Ellie's legs are wrapped around his torso, one hand twisted in his hair and the other on his lower back.


Jackson looks over, "it's yours." He says.

Ellie pulls him in and mumbles against his lips, "ignore it." Jackson smiles and leans up on both arms.
Kyla's face turns into a disgusted one, as she heads to her room.

She changes and picks up her phone,

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetheart, how is everything? How's school?" "Great still straight A's." She slightly laughs.

"That's good, love." "Yeah so when are you and dad coming back?" "Your dad and I are still so busy with the business, and we are trying to save up a little more for your brother's graduation."

"Right." "I promise we'll be back soon, okay?" "Yeah okay." Kyla says half smiling, trying to distract herself.

"Anything else?" Her mom says. "Nope just wanted to check in." "Okay I love you." "Love you too mom." Kyla hangs up and just stares at her phone.

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