ix. best friends

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I laughed along with Beverly. "Yeah and the whole town calls me a s!ut so..."

"Why do they call you a s!ut? If you don't mind me asking.."

"No you're fine. Someone made up a rumor that I screwed every guy in school including him and now that's all people know me as. 'Beverly the s!ut'. Can you guess who made that rumor up?"

I thought for a second.


"Yep! The one and only.."

"Wow I'm so sorry"

"It's fine. I've gotten used to all the bullying, name calling, the dirty jokes of boys asking me if I want to 'bounce on their d!ck again'. It's all the same thing.."

"Good thing those harsh comments don't affect you"

"Yeah, I could care less"

"You're really cool. I like hanging out with you Bev"

"Yeah me too!"

"Do you want to spend the night at my house and we could go to school tomorrow together?"

"Sure. I'll just have to stop by my apartment and ask my dad". She said as we both got up. "Alright I'll see you later. Bye Bev!"

She waved goodbye to me as we went our own separate ways to our houses.

I walked inside the house and as always, I was greeted by my parents. "Hi sweetie! How was school?" My mom asked.

"Great. Hey, can my friend Beverly sleep over tonight?"

My parents looked at each other with a "on a school night" look. "Uh sure yeah" my mom said.
"Ok great!"

I went to my room and changed into something comfier. I then went back downstairs and used the house phone to call Beverly. The phone rang about two or three times until someone picked up.

"Hello?" Beverly said on the other line.

"Hey Bev, it's me Jade. My parents agreed for you to sleep over tonight. What did your dad say?"

"He said yeah"

"Alright cool!"

"I'll head over there now. Bye"

I went upstairs to my room and got some stuff ready. I brought snacks and drinks. Got out my record player and vinyls and put some blankets and pillows on the floor. I did this all the time with my friends back in California and they were so fun. God I missed them so much. I heard the doorbell ring and went to go answer it. "Hey Bev! Come in" I moved out of the way for her to come inside.

"Wow nice room"

"Thank you!" I said sitting on the floor.

We were eating the snacks and having conversations and talking shit about some people in school. "Haha oh my god"

One of my parents knocked on my door and opened it. It was my mom. "Hey girls! Hi! You must be Beverly. I'm Ms. Holland!"

"Nice to meet you Ms. Holland!" They both gave each other friendly smiles. "So, can I get you girls anything?"

"No thanks mom. I think we're good for now".

My mom nodded and left the room closing the door. Me and Beverly continued our previous conversations from earlier. We were talking for hours until we finally went to sleep.

We woke up and immediately got ready and left my house to go to school. When we got to the entrance, I saw the boys by their bikes chatting.

"Hey boys!"

"Hey Jade" they all said unison

"As you all should know, this is Beverly" I said giving them all a look. Especially Richie cause I know he would say something smart about her little "nickname".

"Oh yeah we knew who she is" Richie said smirking and crossing his arms. I hit him on the arm and he muttered under his breath.

"Sorry about him. He's a follower, definitely not a leader" I said to Beverly as I looked at Richie and he looked at me giving me a "wooow" look. "Ha. It's fine. I am very used to it". The bell rang and we all went our separate ways to our first classes of the day.

I was walking with Eddie and Richie since Richie's first class of the day was across from mines and Eddie's. "I cant believe that people are so mean to her. I was hanging out with her yesterday and she was so nice".

"Yeah well from what I hear the list is longer than my wang"

"Shut up Richie!" Me and Eddie said in unison.

"No. Actually, she's really nice".

"Yeah I bet she's only nice to you so she can suck your d-

"Richie! Please!" I said practically yelling. This boy. Yes his jokes are funny sometimes. But other times, like now. His jokes are so uncalled for sometimes.

"Anyways Jade, let's get inside the class before we get in trouble with Mrs. Harrison" Eddie said putting his hand on my back.

"Have fun!" Richie said as he went into his class which was across from me and Eddie's.

I was waiting outside on the side of the school for my mom since she wanted to go check out the mall. "So what's the deal with you and Beverly now?" Patrick said startling me.

"Jeez Patrick, what is wrong with you!!" I said as it felt like I almost jumped out of my skin. He looked at me waiting for an answer for his question. I sighed. "We're friends now, why? Why do you care?"

"Cause she's a s!ut and she'll turn you into one"

"She's not a s!ut Patrick!"

"Uh huh yeah. Henry was like one of the first guys she screwed".

"Can't you just get it through your thick skull. She's not a s!ut. I know her better than you"

"You've only known her for literally like a day"

"Sure, you know who she is but you don't know her"

"Well I know her well enough to know that s-

"She's not a s!ut and she is just a regular misunderstood person and the rumors aren't true"

I saw my mom pull up and honked the horn letting me know she's here. "I gotta go" I said getting up quickly and getting into the passenger seat of my mom's car. "Who was that?"
"Nobody. Just a classmate.."

"Ok.." I made eye contact with Patrick as my mom drove away from the school and down the street.

sᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ► 𝙋𝘼𝙏𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙆 𝙃𝙊𝘾𝙆𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora