Bad Outfit

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I can only write really angsty things about real events because I'm running out of motivation and agh

I ran downstairs the moment I heard the doorbell. I knew it would be the Amazon driver. I took my parcel from him and excitedly opened it.
It was the dress I'd spent ages saving up for. I'd wanted this dress for ages.
I ran upstairs to try it on.

It looked fucking terrible.

My legs were to long, my waist was too high in comparison to the dress, my collar bones looked weird, the sleeves made my arms look fat...
My smile was instantly replaced by tears.
I took off the dress and shoved it to the back of my cupboard.

A few weeks later.

Rhea and I were going through my clothes to see what needed to be thrown out.
Eventually, she found the dress.
'Hey, it's that dress you ordered,' she commented. 'You wanted it so much, how come I never see you wear it?'
I went quiet, remembering how I'd looked in that dress.
'Baby...?' Rhea asked quietly.
'I looked terrible in it.'
Rhea hugged me tight. 'You? Look terrible? No such thing.'

(Unfortunately irl I just got yelled at by my mum for wasting money.)

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