I Just Want Rhea To Come Back (Angst)

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Rhea moves to Spain and Y/N will never see her again
Defo not a word for word copy of what happened earlier with changed names 🤠
(School Thingy)

Y/N's POV:
After the assembly, I left the sports hall. I kept my cool as I passed the two members of staff, but then I burst out crying.
My bff, Amelia, ran forwards and tapped my girlfriend, Rhea on the shoulder. Rhea had left the hall before me as she was in a different form.
I ran to Rhea and started crying. She cradled my head against her chest as I bawled.
'Stop crying, you'll make me cry,' she said.
That made me cry even harder.
We left the gates, and I fully started crying and shaking. Unfortunately, it was raining so we all got drenched.
Rhea said she had to go, but I grabbed her hand and screamed for her not to leave me.
This caught the attention of Sharron and Poppy, two girls standing under the tree nearby.
'What's the matter?' Sharron asked.
'Rhea's moving to Spain and I'll never see her again,' I managed to say while crying.
'Stop crying, you'll make me cry,' Rhea repeated.
I screamed and cried as Rhea hugged me for the final time before leaving to get in her mum's car.
I cried and cried and cried, but then Katy came out. We were meant to walk home together.
'What's the matter?' she asked.
'I just want Rhea to come back,' I cried.
She awkwardly patted my back.
Then Shanice came out and they went to the gate. I went with them. A member of SLT came over and asked what was wrong.
I managed to say 'My girlfriend's moving to Spain.'
She asked for my name and my girlfriend's name before going back inside.
As she left, Jasmine came out the gates. She was crying too, as the teacher she was attached to had left that day.
We hugged and cried.
'I just want Rhea to come back,' I repeated, crying my eyes out. It didn't feel real.
I only said that one sentence for ten minutes, until I managed to say 'I just want to speak to Miss Smith.'
I also had teacher attachment. Luckily, my teacher wasn't leaving.
It had been half an hour since Rhea had gone, and I had to leave in order to be home on time.
As I left, I passed my history teacher as he was getting in his car.
'What's the matter?' he asked.
'Rhea!' was all I managed to say.
'Pardon?' he asked.
'Rhea's moving to Spain!'
'Don't worry, you'll find other friends, and she's got family here, she'll visit.'
'But her parents hate me, they're homophobic!'
'Were you two together?'
I nodded.
'It's okay, you'll be able to do long distance,' he said. 'When I was in the army my wife and I were apart for months. She cried like you did, but we're fine now.'
I nodded, said goodbye, and cried all the way home.

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