Fabulous (Fluff)

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This is different than what I usually write, as it's a copy and paste of my story. I decided to discontinue Fabulous as i didn't know what to do with the plot, so I'm gonna put it as a one shot here. I will be deleting Fabulous and stating a new story.

So, welcome to the longest one shot I will ever write.


Word count : 4864

I stood backstage, anxiously pacing around the small area.

I had the last show of my tour, Heartbreak Travels North America, or HTNA, as my fans called it, in a few minutes.

I always had slight stage fright before a show, but it was always worse when I knew I had to go big or go home.

I had accidentally made myself known for extravagant finales on my tours.

However, the last two times, I'd been energised.

This time, I certainly wasn't.

I hadn't slept a wink the night before, as I was too worried about performing for Florida.

A large chunk of my American fans were located in the state, so I knew there'd be hundreds and hundreds of people watching me.

No mistake would go unnoticed.

Olivia, my makeup artist, walked up behind me.

'Hey, y/n. Are you okay?' she asked, putting her bag of equipment down and resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head, shaking my hands wildly to stop myself from biting my manicured nails.

'Is it stage fright?' Olivia asked quietly.

Her voice was soothing, like ice to skin on a hot day.

I nodded, too anxiety-riddled to speak.  

Olivia hugged me quickly, before saying, 'I have to go, but I know you'll do amazing y/n. The crowd always loves Miss Angelica Heartbreak.'

She ran off, and I was left alone.


The crowd did love Angelica Heartbreak.

She was confident.

Whenever I stepped in front of cameras or people, y/n stepped back into her hole to let Angelica run past, dancing and singing.

I breathed in as I heard my cue.

I took my place, counting down until I ran out.

Until Angelica Heartbreak ran out.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

'Bonsoir, mes briseurs de coeur!'

I stuck my signature pose, one hand on my hip, the other high in the air.

I could tell the crowd was very excitable, their screams were deafening.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out, pausing so people could take photographs.

'We're all good today?' I asked, my accent drifting between American and French.

Everyone screamed out replies, all of which were positive.

'Fabulous, fabulous,' I replied, straightening my posture and fixing my black, glittery beret.

I decided I didn't have to warm the crowd up any further before singing the first song of the show.

One Shots // Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now