
839 21 3

Requested by RoseBella2010
Summary :
Y/N gets self-conscious about her old sh scars but Rhea comforts her :)

I don't think this'll be triggering but if you think it might, please don't read it.

By the way, this is not meant to offend anyone! You are not pathetic, you are loved.


I stood in front of the full length mirror that hung in mine and Rhea's bedroom.
The strange lighting highlighted the old scars as I ran my finger along them.
Eight scars.
Eight blades.
Eight triggers.
It was appalling. How had I reached a low that many times? It was pathetic, really.
I found myself staring at the scars, no longer touching them. Just staring. The world seemed to crumble and I felt a weird spinning sensation. It was just me and my scars.

I was brought out of that weird thing by the sound of tires on gravel.
I quickly pulled on a baggy jumper, just as I heard, "Y/N, baby, I'm back!"
"Hey Rere!" I called down the stairs.
I ran down the stairs and threw myself at Rhea, knowing she'd catch me.
She did, and I smiled.
"I missed you." I said, kissing her face wherever I could reach.
"What were you doing before I got back?" she asked, kissing my forehead in return.
The joyful smile on my face faded. And Rhea noticed.
"Baby, what were you beating yourself up about this time?" she asked. She sounded concerned.
"My scars. I've got so many." I said in an exhausted tone.
"Baby, lots of people have scars, myself included. No one's going to hate you for it."
Rhea gently lowered me to the ground.
"I won't stop loving you for it." She said, taking my hand and kissing it. "I won't stop loving you, end of."

One Shots // Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now