At first it was a little shocking but she soon smiled and hugged her back.
"Hey Willow, you alright?"

She looked at her with an odd expression.
"Am I alright? Sundew I should be the one asking you that! You're the one who journeyed back to Pantala!"

To that Sundew just smiled, it was a little odd since usually she always seemed to scowl but Willow just managed to find her sweet spot.

However when Daniel noticed it was getting a little too intimate he spoke up.
"Ehem, sorry to spoil the moment but we're all still here you know"

The two Leafwings turned to meet him.
"Oh, right sorry Hurricane" Willow said with a smile.
Sundew give him a slight glare but didn't hold it for long.

"But while we're on the topic" Daniel said to switch the subject.
He turned to Qibli. "How did it all go?"

Daniel was pretty sure he already knew what all happened if things followed the canon timeline but he thought it'd be a good idea to just ask.

"Well honestly it went pretty well overall." Qibli explained.
"We defeated the supposed, 'Breath of evil' and Queen Wasp as well as rescued the dragons that were trapped on the other continent."

"Oh cool! So it was a success?" Peril chirped in to which Moon nodded.
"For the most part, we had a few... Complications but in the end we did it"

Peril raised a steamy brow.
"What sort of... Complications?"

Moons face fell a little and Daniel immediately knew what she was thinking.
'It's Lizard... Or respectfully known as Freedom'

His thoughts fell back to the green and orange dragon which was held captive by the breath of evil and Cottonmouth...

He shook his head slightly, she was in a better place now so it didn't matter.
'Besides, Death is what she wanted... So she got her wish'

He looked back to the Nightwing who was explaining everything that Daniel had just thought of.
Luckily she didn't know he already knew since he still had the Skyfire inside his bag which for some reason, despite not being directly attached to him, still blocked his thoughts.

Either way while Moon was in the middle of her story, Three Silkwings walked up behind Sundew and Willow.

Daniel immediately recognised them despite not seeing them physically until now.

"Hey guys! How are you doing?" Blue asked
As he walked side by side with Luna and Swordtail.

"Oh hey! What's up?" Sundew said in a surprisingly softer tone the usual.

Blue shrugged, "Nothing much, Just checking out this really cool new place, much better then the hives." he looked around until he laid eyes on Daniel.

'Ah crud, here we go with the Questions and so on'  Daniel thought glumly but was able to hide it well.

"Woah! You guys look so cool!" Blue excaimed just as Luna and Swordtail peeked into the cave as well.

Luna already got to know all the tribes since she was on the mission with everyone  else, Swordtail may have gotten used to a few of them since he wasn't as surprised but it was clear as day Blue was seeing them for the first time.

Luna shot Blue a significant glance at his sudden burst of excitement since it was a little out of the ordinary for him.

Once he noticed this he fell back a little.
"Oh... Sorry, got a little excited there" Blue said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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