25 he's back

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For how are you sitting on the car just look on the photo up there!
<< seungmin we talked about this. If ur uncomfortable please tell me >> I wishpered on his ear. I swear I'm going to dye if I feel another breath of his on my neck << and let Han being pervert with you when I'm near? No thank you >> he wishpered and smiled at me. << by the way, y/n how did you passion for motorbikes started? >> Minho asked and the memory of my father taking me to buy his first bike came to my mind << well... my father >> I said and my voice cracked a little bit << did you ever had.... thought of having... children's? >> I choked on my own saliva and Seungmin helped me << yup but i think it's better to stay single and live my life >> then Chan scoffed << who told you we are gonna let you be single after this show? Mmm? >> I was speechless << do we need to fuck you at the same time to demonstrate that you are ours? >> Han smirked << n-no >> I said in a lower voice << Oh cmon Han!! It's not that u never fucked someone and you need it!! >> Hyunjin added and the whole car started laughing, even me. But you know happiness doesn't least forever. Well... why? On the phone there was a message.
Unknown: oh really y/n? Now you are a slut to 8 people? I didnt expect that you are that needy
Oh my.. now I know who is this unknow number.. for all these years. Its him. The only person who ruined me and made me live my orphan life like hell. I suddently close the phone so no one read my message and didn't realise that we had arrived. << y/n who texted you? >> Seungmin asked worried << What? >> I looked in confusion at him << I saw an unknown number but didn't want to stalk. Even though its not a nice message. >> Chan turned around facing me << what did it write Seungmin? >> shit Chan << I dont remember but I read slut. >> with that Chan toke my phone angry and opened the chat with him. << y/n who the fuck is him? mm? >> he said making everybody read the chat. << i-i don't.... h-he is my ex.. >> Felix shok his head << the one you were talking about, I think >> << yes that one.. and how i see it... he's back but please... please don't say anything to Sunghoon and live your life like you don't know it PLEASE >> they look at me with confusion << something bad might happen y/n I told you that and you didn't listen >> a familiar voice spoke << oh my >> I turned around facing my ex << and that bad thing will happen to you if u really don't want others to be hurt >> << y/n don't do that >> Changbin said seriously. I'm sorry guys... I am really sorry... but I love you too much to see you suffering.. << im sorry >> I said crying hard << now come with me or those guys and you fucking family will die baby >> he said holding my weist << ok..but please. Please don't do ANYTHING to them and my family. >> the bicth was smirking knowing I didn't have another choice << NO Y/N DONT >> Seungmin said crying << i-im sorry Seungmin...and all of you..b-but I love you all too much fro letting this happen to you... I can hold what he does and you can't... >> these were my last words after seeing everything black.

i'm sorry


Hello there sorry for not updating more but I'm on a type of campus and I can't always use the phone.
Remind to vote and comment this always helps me


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