Dang Hu could only nod in fear and respect.

He felt the matter was settled and walked through the gates. Raya and Sisu followed behind him. The atmosphere was strangely calm and collected. Raya glared at Dang Hu as she passed, but didn't say a word. Together they all headed back to Boun's boat.


After arriving at the boat, Sisu and Sand were both surprised to see three monkeys and an acrobatic baby running around the boat, while Boun attempted to feed them.

RAYA : "Okay, three down, two to go!" She says as she hops onboard

RAYA : "Alright, Captain Boun! Next stop, Spine!"

Boun was standing there with Noi (The baby) and the Ongis chugging down congee.

BOUN : "Thanks for the new customers!"

RAYA : "Yeah, I sorta promised to buy them all the congee they could eat"

BOUN : "Well, we're stuck with them for a while now, because Ongis have nine stomachs..."

RAYA : "Oh toi!"

Raya and Sisu walk over to the table and sit.

RAYA : "I thought I told you to stay on the boat!"

SISU : "I'm sorry Raya... I wanted to get a gift for the Talon chief..."

RAYA : "Sisu!!!.... Ugh, that's not how it works..... You can't just get everyone gifts and expect them not to play dirty... everyone is just out for themselves!"

SISU : "Raya! how could you say that!... Boun isn't out for himself on this journey.... And Sand agrees that getting a gift was a smart idea!"

Raya's attention focuses on the tall stranger, who is still wearing a slightly colorful hat of purple, blue, and red.

RAYA : "You told her it was a good idea?!"

He calmly looks at her before he replies.

SAND : "Yes... I thought it was a good idea"

RAYA : "What!? Why?!... ughhh, why are you so naïve!"

Sand gets up very slowly, and Raya takes a step back. His tall stature puts her on edge, and she can never really read his emotions or actions.

SAND : "First! The only person who is really on this journey for themselves is you... You cut out everyone's choices and ideas, letting only you think that everything you do is right, and everyone else wrong"

SAND : "Second! Getting a gift was a smart idea, but I agree that Sisu's way of getting a gift was extremely underthought and rash... She needs to work on her gift-giving skills... But that's one of the things I like about her, her idea of living is so free of hate and worry it's......*ahem* My point being, I was there to protect her if anything went wrong, which is exactly what I did!" He said in defense

RAYA : "Protect her?! You got fed to the Druun!"

BOUN : "Woah what!?!" He says surprised

SAND : "Yes, the trap was that we got attacked by Druun, but again, I am stronger, and I was able to protect her just fine"

RAYA : "And that's the other thing!! What did you do..... How.... Like what?? How did the Druun not turn you to stone?... Not even dragons were able to escape that fate! How did you survive?"

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