Mind made up, he muttered hesitantly: "I'd like to stay for a bit longer."

He could still cuddle with Yohan afterwards, at the latest when they'd turn in for bed. And if he suddenly felt worse, Yohan would be there to catch him. He was safest with him at his side anyway.

"Of course."

He got a gentle curl of lips in return, before Yohan put on a black mask one-handed, holding out another one to Gaon. Arching an eyebrow, he lifted their intertwined hands slightly to show him that both of his hands were full. Stopping for a second, Yohan stared at him intensely, eyes seemingly looking right into his soul and somehow it didn't frighten Gaon at all, instead it left him breathless to think Yohan saw him, saw the true him, the one he was in his very core. Then, he broke their entangled hands gently, hovering over Gaon's face instead before tenderly putting on the mask for him, fingers brushing lightly over his cheeks, cupping his face eventually.

"You have a very noticeable face," he breathed as explanation, petting Gaon's cheeks repeatedly.

A tender touch that Gaon dreamt to be almost lovingly. Too soon did the hands disappear from his face, entangling with Gaon's again.

"Let's go."

Silently, they walked through the streets after putting the bag in Yohan's sport car. There was no need for words when the presence of each other spoke volumes, promises of safety and acceptance.

Nothing seemed familiar and Gaon tired the longer they walked, though he didn't want to tell Yohan, lest he worried the other man again. And, secretly, he didn't want to end the moment they had right now, that strange familiarity that could disappear in the blink of an eye. No, he'd hold on and walk through the pain, it would have to stop some time. If Yohan knew he was getting lightheaded and that the earlier memory - however short, it might have been - had resulted in an ever-growing headache he wouldn't have offered to walk. But even if they had to wear masks, Gaon wanted the world to see that Yohan was with him and he was with Yohan. The world should see they belonged together and how it filled him with pride to be seen beside the other. Not even his own body would stop him from showing off.

Suddenly, Yohan stopped, gently squeezing their hands and Gaon turned towards him, face tilting down slightly to catch his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Yohan asked, innocently pointing towards a 24/7 shop.

Suddenly, his vision blurred, dark dots dancing in front of his eyes and he blinked frantically, trying to focus on Yohan. Unwillingly, his eyes slid to the shop and its bright billboard and the couple sitting by the window, sharing a cup of ramen or something.

The dark-haired woman eyed him exasperated, glancing down at her amber cardigan and the white purse in her hand. A hand traced over the golden earrings as she tucked her short black hair behind her ear. She was dressed fancier than usual; it was the first thing Gaon had noticed though he couldn't understand why she'd do that. Perhaps, she'd been coming straight from a date or will be going to one afterwards. He felt happy for the woman, relieved that she was finally moving on, though from what he couldn't quite remember. She really was pretty.

"Anyway," she said, voice full of hilarity. "So, your lover cheating on you, whom you mentioned before, was your chief, right?"

She couldn't quite hide the disbelieving smile, quickly taking a sip from her glass.

Chuckling, he crossed his arms, nodding faintly.

Sighing, the woman looked away. "What a taste you have-"


Out of the blue he was roughly shaken, body weak in the strong hold.

"Talk to me, Gaon-ah."

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