🌹 | Nostalgia. (13)

Start from the beginning

When my mom was still here, she bought drugs off of his dad. We used to be friends, until I found out he started selling drugs to my mom, after he picked up the business when his dad died.

Barry holds the gun to jj.

"All right! All right! Relax!" jj yells, backing away.

"Shut the hell up! Shut up!! Blow your damn head off!" Barry yells in his face. "Lay down in the ditch! Lay in the ditch!"

We all slowly lower to the floor, laying our knees in the ditch.

"Put your heads down on the floor!" Barry points the gun at my head, and pushes my head down with the gun.

"Chill!" Jj yells.


I whimper and lay my head on the ground.

Barry storms the twinkie, pulling shit out of all types of cervices.

"It's a setup, guys!" Kie cries as Barry pulls the car apart.

"That old bat shanked us." jj hits the muddy ground with force. "Fuck! Goddamn it!"

I look over at Sarah and John b and see John b slowly raising from the ground.

"No, no, no, no. Wait." Sarah whispers, but that doesn't stop him.

"John b- no!" Sarah whimpers

"John b, don't be the hero, man." Pope whispers.

I rub my forehead in stress. "Shit."

We suddenly hear something clank inside the car that barry's searching. It sounds heavy.

"He's got it, he's got the fucking gold." I sigh.

"All right, y'all just stay here just like that.. unless you want your head 4 miles from your body." Barry tells us, holding the cloth we wrapped the gold with.

We look over at the car, knowing john b is inside there.

"He's gonna die." I whimper.

i feel jj hold my shoulder, and I breath out slowly.

Suddenly we hear thumping and grunting coming from the car.

We all slowly raise up.

"Guys, I got the gun!" John b yells.

We jump up and run over to the car as john b throws the gun out the door.

jj sprints up to barry and punches him in the gut.

Kie tries to punch him in the face but Barry pushes her down.

"Kiara!" Pope yelps.

He runs in my direction, but jj clarks him in the back of the head with the blunt end of the gun.

Barry falls to the ground and I hit him in the head with the car door twice, making him flatten.

"I got the gold!" Pope yells.

Kie and Sarah kick him in the ribs and Pope knees him in the head.

Barry huffs out of breath, and jj pulls his mask down.

"I know this piece of shit! He's a base head!" he yells.

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah mumbles.

"Sold crack to my mom." I kick him in the shin.

"Fuck! Ow.. Yeah, where's your momma now?" He laughs.

SINCERELY, YOUR DARLA. || ~ jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now