The Ninth, Izuku Midoriya

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The episode opens with Izuku, most of his body covered by some kind of black smoke, finding himself standing on a singular piece of solid land in the dark void. He is in the presence of previous One for All holders, with six of them facing him while two stand behind everyone, staring at the wall instead of looking at him. 

As soon as the episode began, Izuku and All Might both steeled their eyes and became hyper-focused on the screen, not wanting to miss any detail of the upcoming conversation.

And they weren't the only ones as everyone around them was also curious and fascinated by the pocket dimension that existed inside a quirk. It was a unique experience that was most likely unique to the existence known as One for All.

"Sorry to do this at such a critical time," Yoichi Shigaraki, the first user of One For All, said with a kind smile on his face.

"This is fate, too," added Hikage Shinomori, the fourth user of One For All.

"Well, it's a matter of timing." Daigoro Banjo, the fifth user of One For All, chimed in.

"Banjo, you talked with him before, didn't you?" En, the sixth user of One For All, inquired.

While these individuals were talking, Nana Shimura, the seventh user of One For All, remained silent and lost in her own thoughts. All Might, the eighth user of One For All, though not physically present, was symbolized by the golden flames that took the shape of his prime form.

'The past users of One For All... In my dreams again...' Izuku thought, staring at the people in front of him.

'So this is what you all look like?' Izuku said as he observed all the previous holders of One for All.

'That's right, kid, and two old farts are standing at the back are the First and Second holders of One for All,' Banjo explained. 'They are a bit cranky due to their age, but they are good people.'

'Shut up, Banjo. We are not old,' Third said while rolling his eyes. 'Me and Leader, we both died young and are preserved here as a vestige in that same state.'

"Before, we could only involve ourselves in the spaces between fluctuations, but we're not limited to that anymore," Yoichi explained. "Because about four months ago, my power-- One For All--suddenly started to grow rapidly. Along with that growth, the previous wielders inside One For All were able to take on shape and communicate with each other. And because my brother's power pulled us forcibly in the last battle, it became easier for us to appear before you.'

"Hey, Fumi, it means that aside from you, there is one more person now who has a sentient quirk," Dark Shadow said in an excited voice.

"Even if that seems to be the case on the surface, the situation with Midoriya's quirk is much more complicated," Tokoyami replied. "Dark Shadow, you are an extension of me but with Midoriya, those are real people who once lived on this earth, residing within his quirk."

"Details, Fumi, details," Dark Shadow rolled its eyes.

"Anyway, your private life is still private, so don't worry!" Banjo chimed in with a grin, reassuring Izuku. 

"Yeah, I don't think even getting that kind of reassurance will help me put my mind at ease if I had something like that going on with me," Jiro said, feeling dread at the mere thought of someone living inside her head.

Izuku tried to say something but realized that even his mouth was covered by the same black smoke that enveloped his body, rendering him unable to speak. "Oh, yeah, you don't have a mouth."

'No... Back then...' Izuku thought as he remembered his encounter with Shigaraki and All for One in this very same realm. 'I was able to produce some words... My mouth... just barely has some shape!' he said and finally managed to muffle some words, "What did you want to talk about?" while Banjo cheered for his success.

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