Impending Calamity

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In the early morning, as the sun prepared to rise, Izuku Midoriya, also known as Provisional Hero Deku, embarked on his daily jog through the sprawling campus of U.A. High School.

With each step, Izuku's mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. He pondered his ongoing internship with Endeavor, his quest to master parallel processing to effortlessly wield not just Blackwhip but also all the quirks he would eventually unlock, the weight of All Might and One for All's legacy, and countless other matters.

While continuing his jog, he suddenly noticed a boy with striking white hair and a black jacket, his face adorned with a warm smile, steadily approaching him.

"Hello, Izuku. Nice to meet you," the boy greeted him.

"Hello?" Izuku said, still confused by the familiar tone the boy had adopted while talking to him. "I'm sorry, but have we met before? I don't recall ever meeting you," he said cautiously, maintaining a defensive stance, uncertain of the stranger's intentions.

"Actually, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting this version of you," the stranger admitted. Before Izuku could inquire about what he meant, the stranger swiftly interjected, "But what matters right now is what I have for you." With a flick of his hand, a parcel materialized. "Here, take this," he urged, tossing the package to Izuku.

Izuku caught the package in his hands, his brows furrowing. "What's inside this?" he asked, his tone tinged with caution. "And why are you giving it to me?"

"That's not important right now," the stranger evaded the question with a nonchalant shrug. "By the way, inside the package, there's a letter meant for Nezu. Please ensure it reaches him."

"Wait! Nezu? Why would you..." But before Izuku could finish his question, the stranger suddenly disappeared without a sound. This unexpected event startled Izuku, but he managed to stay calm and kept his guard up as he searched the area for any sign of the boy. However, despite looking around for a while, there was no sign of the boy to be found.

Eventually, Izuku's search proved futile, and he reluctantly reached for his phone, dialing the number of the person he trusted the most. "Hello, All Might..."


The following day, as the members of Class 1A were preparing for school, they received a message from their principal, notifying them that classes were canceled for the day. Instead, they were instructed to gather at the auditorium in one hour. True to the message, an hour later, the entire Class 1A was the first to arrive at the auditorium.

"Hey, guys, any ideas on why the principal called us here?" Mina asked. "Do you think it's possible he's about to announce a fun school event, like the cultural festival?"

"Well, if that were the case, why would he cancel classes for the entire day? Such announcements could easily be made during regular school hours," Momo interjected, offering a valid point. "Moreover, there wouldn't be a huge screen right in front of us if it were just a regular announcement."

"Maybe we are going to watch a movie. That would be fun," Kaminari suggested optimistically.

"I highly doubt that," Iida countered, refuting the idea. "Why would the principal organize a movie screening for us in the middle of the week, especially with our finals fast approaching?"

"Please, don't remind us of that," Mina and Kaminari groaned simultaneously, expressing their disdain for the upcoming exams.

And while the rest of the class engaged in their discussions, Bakugo's attention was drawn to Izuku, who sat there silently, fidgeting with his fingers and staring blankly at the wall. It was evident from his distant expression that he was lost deep in thought.

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