Aftermath of the War

Start from the beginning

Izuku's narration proceeds, 'The equipment left behind in the remains of Jaku Hospital thought to have been used by the League, was retrieved and examined,' while we see the remnants of Garaki's lab equipment, or more accurately, what remained of it in the aftermath of the war.

'I truly wish that equipment had been utterly obliterated instead of falling into the Commission's hands,' Nezu thought to himself.

The scene transitions to the Gunga Mountain Villa, revealing the aftermath of a battle with large ice spikes jutting out of the ground and the remnants of a mansion that had served as the hideout for the Paranormal Liberation Front.

The students who had participated in the Gunga Mountain raid suddenly tensed up, dreading the sight of the destruction left in Machia's wake after his rampage.

"The liberation isn't over yet," Re-Destro managed to utter, with all the injuries on his body. Summoning every ounce of strength within him, he roared, "That's right... It's only just begun!"

However, before Re-Destro could say anything else, "Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!" Edgeshot used his Ultimate move and pierced him at his vital point before kicking him in the face, effectively knocking him out as Izuku's voice narrates, 'Paranormal Liberation Front leader, Re-Destro, also known as Rikiya Yotsubashi, captured.'

Edgeshot frowned as he watched himself on the screen. Honestly, he was quite disappointed in himself, seeing how much time it took for his counterpart to dispatch Re-Destro. Of course, there was no denying that the villain he was facing was strong, but that doesn't excuse the fact that, if he had wrapped up his fight earlier than this, he could have gone to help at the other locations. 

The camera then shifts to an image of Geten, encased in unyielding concrete, tears streaming down his face. Izuku's voice narrates, 'Paranormal Liberation Front leader, Geten, captured.'

"This Geten, we need to be cautious of him," Endeavor pointed out. "His superior control over ice gives him a significant advantage in countering large crowds and entry-denying tactics."

"Yeah, he also seems to have put up quite an impressive fight against Cementoss, who should have had an overwhelming advantage in that terrain," Nemuri said, adding Geten's name to the list of priority targets.

Next, the spotlight falls upon a man with long, obsidian hair and purple shades, 'Paranormal Liberation Front leader and leader of the Hearts and Mind Party, Koku Hanabata, captured.'

"A politician huh and a hot-shot president of such a big party at that, huh?" Yu remarked. "Well, the media is going to have a felid day when this comes out."

'Paranormal Liberation Front members gathered for the meeting at Gunga Villa: 16,929 captured,' Izuku narrates, as the screen depicts law enforcement and heroes making mass arrests. 'The searches carried out simultaneously with the operation at Paranormal Liberation Front branches scattered across the country resulted in the capture of all targeted members, with no one escaping. They also succeeded in suppressing and capturing Paranormal Liberation Front sympathizers.' We see Slide n' Go and other similar heroes getting arrested as well.

"1700 people! Do we even have enough cells to accommodate that many?" Mina inquired, her eyes wide in astonishment at the sheer number of individuals arrested during the raid.

"The holding space won't be that much of a problem, but considering the state of that timeline, the management definitely would," Nemuri remarked. "Then there's also the issue of transferring them to their allocated prisons given the devastation around them, unless, of course, they use choppers to airlift them."

Then the scene switched back to Jaku, where we see Izuku, Bakugo, Endeavor, and everyone who was on the battlefield being loaded into ambulances on stretchers. 

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