"Hey, guys," Haerin greeted with a polite nod, her voice carrying an air of formality that seemed out of place in their casual group. Minji introduced her to her friends, and while the initial interactions were polite, there was an undeniable tension that hung in the air. Haerin's unique aura seemed to both intrigue and unsettle Minji's friends, leaving them with more questions than answers.

As the conversation continued, Minji noticed that Haerin's responses were measured and calculated, as if she were carefully choosing her words. It was a stark contrast to her typically reserved demeanor. Minji's friends exchanged subtle glances, their curiosity only intensifying.

As lunch drew to a close, Haerin excused herself, explaining that she had to attend to something. Minji watched her cousin depart, her mind racing with thoughts about the complexities of Haerin's situation and the challenges that lay ahead. She knew that integrating into human society would be no easy task, and the mysteries surrounding their connection deepened with each passing moment.

With Haerin's departure, the group resumed their usual banter, but an undercurrent of intrigue lingered. Minji's mind was consumed with thoughts of her cousin and the enigmatic bond they shared. As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the campus, the world seemed to hold its breath, bracing for the revelations and adventures that awaited in the days to come.

Minji departed from the long wooden lunch table, her friends' perplexed glances lingering unnoticed in her determination. She trailed after Haerin, a silent figure with nearly noiseless footsteps, as they ventured through the hushed corridors of the antiquated building. The inherent stealthiness of a vampire granted Haerin the ability to traverse these halls in a near-mute fashion.

Eventually, Minji's pursuit led her to a dimly lit dormitory bathroom. Within, Haerin stood in contemplation, her gaze locked upon the toilet as though it held profound meaning. Minji's curiosity got the better of her, and she voiced her question. "What are you doing?" Her inquiry echoed in the small space. Haerin turned her attention towards Minji, her demeanor composed. "I have to get rid of the food," she responded, her tone low and solemn, her gaze never leaving the toilet.

Minji furrowed her brows, processing Haerin's words. "So... vampires can't eat?" Minji ventured, seeking to understand the unique intricacies of Haerin's existence. A gentle smile curved Haerin's lips. "We can eat, but the food remains undigested. The taste is akin to cardboard," she explained, her tone retaining its formal quality. Minji couldn't help but cringe at the notion. "Oh, well, I'll leave you to it, I guess," Minji said, her curiosity sated for the moment. She began to turn away, only to be halted by Haerin's words.

"You don't have to walk all the way back," Haerin's voice reached her, a reminder of the peculiar connection they shared. Minji paused, her attention returning to Haerin. "I can hear your thoughts, remember?" Haerin offered as a reminder. A hint of discomfort crossed Minji's features. "Yes, although I'd prefer you not to delve into my mind without my knowledge," Minji responded, voicing her privacy concerns. Haerin's gaze remained steady. "Then shield me out," she suggested, her words a straightforward solution.

Minji's brow furrowed, briefly considering the suggestion before deciding to let it go for the moment. "Think of your destination, focus, and open your eyes," Haerin instructed, steering the conversation into a new direction. Minji regarded her cousin skeptically, attempting to grasp the mechanism behind Haerin's guidance. "What?" Minji questioned after a short silence, seeking clarification.

With an assured demeanor, Haerin turned away. Minji took a deep breath, closing her eyes and concentrating on the image of the lunch table. Moments later, she opened her eyes to find herself back at the table, her friends gazing at her with incredulity. The astonishment in their expressions was only matched by the enigma that Haerin brought into her life.

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