i. home sweet home

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Story for my crazy ass cousin. And for other people to read ofc 😊😘

A/n: the losers club, Jade and the bowers gang are 15-16 in this story.

"Jade. Jade honey wake up. We're here" I groaned and rubbed my eyes as my mom shook my shoulders. I blinked a few times and looked outside the car window to my left. Wow we're here. In Derry. A place that I will be calling my new home. Yay..!

"This is it!" I stepped out the car and saw my dad with a happy and excited expression on his face. "Home sweet home" he said opening the front door of our new house with my mom following behind him.

I rolled my eyes at their excitement. How could they be so happy about a place like this? This place looks like a ghost town. And no offense it looks like someone could just scoop you up from the street and stick you in their basement or something. Totally creepy. I already miss Cali. Can't believe I had to leave my whole life and friends behind for whatever this shithole is.

I looked around at my new neighbors houses. Didn't look too bad. But the streets were really empty and quiet. Unlike California. I mean I guess that's good. You can enjoy some piece and quiet from time to time...

"Jade come in and check out your room" I hear my dad call from the inside of the house. I opened the trunk of my dad's white Chevrolet Caprice and grabbed the boxes that said JADE'S ROOM on it. I struggled to get upstairs with the boxes but I finally made it. I opened my room door and basically just threw the boxes on the ground. I took a second to catch my breath before getting the rest of my boxes and unpacking in my new room.

I looked around my room with all the movie and band posters on them and a bunch of other stuff. Nice. Glad I was able to knock that out in one day.

I ran downstairs and saw my parents in the living room. "Hey I'm gonna order Pizza tonight. Sound good?" I nodded at my dad's question as he called the pizza place.

"Hey um, is it cool if I check out the town a bit?" I asked my mom. "Sure honey. Just be back in about an hour. I nodded and walked outside. I zipped up my sweater as the wind blew through me.

I walked a couple blocks away from my house and I saw that I was by a few shops. I looked at the windows to see what kind of stuff the stores had. I spotted a music store and quickly walked over to it. I went inside and started looking around. "Hello! Do you need help with anything?" The lady at the front desk asked me. "Uh no thanks, just looking" she smiled and nodded at me.

I was in the store for about maybe 20 minutes and I checked my watch and saw the time. 5:37 pm. Maybe I should start heading back home.

I walk out of the shop and saw across the street four boys leaning against a blue trans am. One of them had a hat with brown hair. The other one was very skinny and had bleached hair. And the other had a mullet and looked quite ugly. And the last one was tall and had black hair. Eh, he's not that bad looking. The tall boy with black hair licked his lips and then smirked at me. I gave him a grossed out look and walked down the street.

"Mom, dad I'm home!" I said walking inside the house. "Ah great timing, the pizza just came". My dad said as he grabbed cups and plates. I sat down at our dining table and started eating. Mm, pizza just what I needed.

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