Chapter 19: Hope in the Desert

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Ryoko's shoulders shook slightly, her eyes feeling misty with growing tears. She picked up her pace passing the camel with Vivi and Nami, "Let's just keep moving... 'kay?" she said a certain level of weakness running through the tone uncharacteristically.

"Right." Nami says spurring Eyelash into moving once again, While looking around and noticing off in the distance there was a rocky hill peaking up from the sand with some structures on top, "Let's head for those ruins for now, the others can find us up there."

And so the group continued their trek through the desert and arrived finally in the shade of the ruins. Ryoko leaned against the wall and slid down to rest a moment as she took a sip out of her waterskin, at least she was staying hydrated. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Ryoko spoke up once more, brow furrowed in thought behind her white mask, "Vivi... which direction is Yuba from here?"

"It should be northwest of here." Vivi says thoughtfully, "If we continue soon we may make it there by nightfall."

Ryoko put the cap back on her waterskin, "respectfully, I think I need some time to myself." She says as she stands up and dusts herself off, "I would like to practice flying anyway, so I think I am going to continue by myself. I will meet you guys there okay?" She began to walk away without waiting for a response.

"But Ryoko-" Vivi says trying to catch her arm as she passes, but her hand is met with air as Ryoko pulls her arm away swiftly before she can be grabbed.

"This is not negotiable right now. I'm sorry Vivi. I won't talk to any rebels until you all get there." Ryoko says looking over her shoulder, "I need time to think." She says before moving away from the group she walks to the edge of the plateau before looking at her hands.

The first time had been instinct.

She hadn't thought.

How? How had she done it before?

She shook her head before she took a slow, deep breath and tried to clear her mind, which took her a few minutes as thoughts of all she had to do continued to rush her like the waves of a storm. "Focus on the now. Just... focus on the now..." It was an easy phrase to say but it was exceptionally difficult to actually commit to.

So, she didn't think as she took a few steps back and ran forward jumping off of the edge of the plateau while spreading her arms to the side. She shut her eyes while bending her knees to help her land if need be. However, she began to feel a heavy dragging feeling on her arms. As she spread her fingers the dragging sensation increased, and her eyes opened as she looked at her arms. Or perhaps wings would be more accurate as she beat her wings once as she slowed her descent before her feet touched the ground.

The sensation brought a feeling of freedom and excitement. A hidden smile on her face spread widely as for the moment she had a great distraction. She took a few running steps and leaped up into the air with a beat of her wings. It felt powerful the way the wind rushed around her, but it was certainly not easy to control so she had to land in order to push off the ground and change directions.

Certainly, this was less qualified as flying more than it was jumping higher and farther than she had before. But it was thrilling, and it was a good enough start for controlling her fruit.

As she leapt through the air she kept trying to push herself to rise higher with beats of her wings before gliding for as long as she could. It did occur to her that perhaps it would be easier to fly if she had the full body of a bird, however, she had to figure that out first. As she landed after the long glide she took off quickly while looking up into the clear sky. She took a deep breath puffing out her chest slightly as she relaxed her face.

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