Chapter 11 - The Grammys

Start from the beginning

I decided that tonight was not the time to worry about such things. It's the Grammys for crying out loud! We proceeded down the red carpet, but we were quickly split up. More reporters were waiting to ask us questions, and over the next 5 minutes we were each dragged into a different interview. After a few more short interviews, I finally reached the end of the red carpet and entered the venue that this year's Grammys was being held at. As I entered I was quickly ushered to my seat, which just happened to be between Little Mix and One Direction and their girlfriends. I love how the board tries to seat you with your friends. It makes the night even more enjoyable.

In no time at all, the show began. This year's show was the best yet, and full of energy. It started off with the smaller awards, and then began to build its way up. It was now time for the album of the year award. "Your nominees for the album of the year are Ed Sheeran's 'X,' One Direction's 'Midnight Memories,' Katy Perry's 'Prism,' and Taylor Swift's '1989.' And the winner is... One Direction!" The boys jumped out of their seats, overjoyed. I gave them each a quick hug before they made their way up to the stage.

They gave a very nice speech thanking their family and friends, and of course their wonderful fans. Their fans are absolutely amazing. I think they have the second best fans in the world. The first being mine. That may just be because I love my fans so much that they seem like the number 1 even if they aren't though.

Not much after they had returned to their seats, a security guard informed me that I had to go backstage to get ready for my performance. They all wished me good luck before I was swept away to the dressing room. Inside I found my costume which consisted of a black leather pants, and a matching leather jacket. I also put on a white cape, and changed my mask to one that matched my costume. Lastly, I attached my microphone to my ear, and connected the rest of it to the back of my costume.

Before I knew it, someone knocked on my door, and told me my performance was next. I walked out of the dressing room, and was lead to side of the large stage. The last award before my performance was just wrapping up. 5 Seconds of Summer had just won "New Artist of the Year."

As they took their seats, the lights faded to black, and I could only see my backup dancers take their places because I was so close. The audience probably could not see a thing. With one last final breath, I walked out onto the large stage and took my place.

As the music began I threw off my cape, and started to not only sing, but also dance. What I love the most about being a dancer as well as a singer is that it allows me to put on more technical performances. [A/N: If you want to see the dance, it is in the sidebar]

Eleanor POV:

When they announced that the next performer was "Mystique," I excused myself to the bathroom. In reality, I was going to do something much more exciting. I found the entrance to the backstage hallways, and made up an excuse to the security guard, "Hi. I'm a best friend of Mystique, and want to surprise her in her dressing room to congratulate her. Could you maybe direct me there?"

The guard was very nice, and let me through, as well as told me where to go. The security is not very strict once you are inside the venue because it is so hard to get inside in the first place. I found the correct door, and quickly slipped inside.

As I looked around, I noticed Ariana's make-up on a table in front of a mirror as well as a few racks of costumes in the corner. I tried my best to get as far in the corner behind the costumes as possible. It was hard to see due to the abundance of fabric around me, but in just a few places I had a pretty clear view.

As I sat in there, I began to think through what I was doing. Was I sure I really wanted to do something so extreme like this? I'd like to think I am just keeping my options open for later. It's not like I was jealous of Ariana because I like Louis. If anything, it's that I am jealous that she doesn't need date someone like Louis to have so much money. I need her out of the picture because she could ruin everything that has taken me so long to solidify. If Louis realized how she genuinely cares for him as he does for her in more than a platonic way, then he might see through the façade I have put up.

Before I had any more time to think through my actions, the door opened and in walked the one and only Ariana Styles. She sat down at the vanity, and reached to take off her mask. At the perfect moment, I took a photo of her holding the mask with her face completely revealed. It was easy to tell it was the same person that had just been performing because she was still wearing the same outfit.

Within a few minutes, Ariana had changed and was out the door again. After waiting a few moments to make sure she wasn't coming back, I left as well. I returned to my seat next to Louis, and snuggled up close to him while meeting the eyes of Ariana and shooting her another of my glares.

Thanks again for reading my story. I love all you guys!!!! Both the dance she performs and Ariana's red carpet outfit are on the side. Did you enjoy the multiple point of views? Was it too confusing at all?

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