The walk wasn't long enough, and they arrived at their destination. Akira stopped and stared up at the sign in front of them. She couldn't help but dread what would come.

"You ready?" Guy asked softly.

Akira shook her head.

"Well, no time like the present! Let's go!" He grabbed her wrist and set off, dragging Akira behind him.

"God dammit, Guy!"

He didn't let go of her until they got to their destination. Akira put her hands over her face and squeezed her eyes shut. A wave of guilt crashed over her. What kind of friend was she?

Guy pushed open the door to the hospital room and strode inside. "Kakashi! Good to see you awake!"


"Guy, it's early! Do you have to be so loud?"

Akira groaned and lowered her hands. She was caught for sure. Even without hearing him say that he knew she was there, nothing ever got past him. Being half-dead in the hospital didn't dull his senses in the slightest.

"Guy, you fucking bastard!" She hissed angrily. But she took a deep breath to steel her nerves, then stepped into the room.

The hospital room was well lit with light coming through the window, a stark contrast to the dark hallway outside. Flowers lined the windowsill, covering it completely. In fact, the further Akira got into the room, the more flowers she saw. Bouquets were everywhere. Every available surface was covered in them. She could imagine how annoyed Kakashi was by it. His bedside table didn't have enough room for even a water glass.

Akira stood against the wall by the door while Guy rambled to Kakashi about something. The latter repeatedly stole glances at her, who refused to acknowledge him. She kept her eyes on the floor, glaring at the white tiles. But after a few minutes, even Akira started to get annoyed with Guy's enthusiasm.

"Guy, there's a book on my kitchen counter in my apartment that I'd like to read. Would you mind grabbing it for me?" Kakashi asked. It was better than any excuse that Akira had come up with to get him to leave. Though she really preferred if he stayed.

"Of course! I will be back in no time!" Guy turned and practically ran out the door, giving Akira a grin as he passed her. The door slid shut, and silence took over the room.

"All the flowers from Guy?" Akira asked in a flat voice.

Kakashi nodded. He couldn't meet her eyes.

Akira walked over to his bed and started clearing flowers off his bedside table. Some bouquets she was able to combine with others, the rest she set on the floor. She found a glass and filled it with water for him. Then she returned to her spot on the wall.

Neither one of them spoke for several minutes until Kakashi finally made an attempt at breaking the ice. Ice that had grown very thick and cold between them.

"The doctors said it was a miracle I survived."

Akira only hummed in response.

"They said one of my pulmonary arteries was barely being held together when they got me into surgery. I'd lost over half of my blood."

Everything that Kakashi was saying didn't even begin to cover just how bad the situation had been. Miracle was an understatement.

"If you hadn't come back, I would have died. Thank you."

Akira closed her eyes, anger flooding her system. "You're welcome. Glad you're alive," she snapped.

"You're angry with me." He lowered his eyes. "Rightfully so."

Will of Fire: Kakashi HatakeWhere stories live. Discover now