"Of course." I gave a reassuring smile that quickly dropped as soon as he left. I was left alone for the rest of my meal and it was actually rather pleasant.

When it came time for me to leave, the sun had long set. The cool night air felt soothing to my skin as I slowly began to weave my way through the streets.

"Shh..." A soft voice startled me from a nearby alley, "We need to keep it down or we will be caught."

"No one is here." Came another voice. A familiar voice.

Curiousity got the better of me and I could not help but follow it. I almost gasped out loud when I caught a glimpse of the Commander in a tight lip lock with a busty yet gorgeous lady. His hands making their way up under her dress.

Embarrassed that I had seen them, I quickly ran off. They most certainly did not need to know that I was there nor that I had seen them or it would be embarrassing for us all.

I made my way back up to the estate allowing my thoughts to settle under the beautiful night sky littered with the stars. When I reached the gate, the two guards on duty barely acknowledged as usual as I pushed it open.

All both my body and mind wanted at that very moment was my bed but I still needed to bath and ready myself for the next day. I let out a tired sigh as I slowly began to  push open the front doors to the estate. Unfortunately the doors did not budge. I tried again but to no avail.

They were locked.

Just my luck.

Frowning I began looking around for the next possible way to get in. I tried every door and every window but they were all locked or out of reach.

Now frustrated and annoyed, I looked up ready to curse the skies for my unfortunate predicament when I caught glimpse of open glass doors leading to a bulcany. It was only on the second floor but it had vines creeping up along the wall beside it.

It seemed feasible enough.

Smiling to myself, I made my way over and began to climb. It was a lot more difficult than it seemed.

My arms began to quickly tire and my feet struggled to find footholds. It honestly felt like the worst idea that I had ever come up with in my entire life.

I almost cried in tears of joy when I eventually reached the top and flung my legs onto the bulcany. As I was regaining my breath, I heard a startled scream.

Looking up, I came face to face with the beautiful girl from earlier today. Her eyes were widened as she stood before me in a beautiful silk night gown.

"Who are you?!" She shrieked reaching for the nearest thing she could grab and point at me which just so happened to be a candle stick.

"I really cannot deal with this right now." mumbled and let out a defeated sigh as I pinched the bridge of nose.

"It's you!" She shouted, "That horrible servant from earlier!"

"Ha.." I wanted to roll my eyes as I walked towards the doorway that she just so happened to be standing in front of, "Do you mind moving for me? I need to get to my room."

"How dare you?!" She held the candlestick to my neck, "Do you think I will just let you pass like it is nothing? Do you think I am a fool? You not only tried to steal from Cassius but now me too!"

"I did not steal anything from the Duke nor am I here to take something of yours." I let out a frustrated breath, "I was locked out and your doors just so happened to be the open."

"What absolute nonsense." She looked disgusted by my answer, "Guards!" She called.

At that moment I caught sight of the doors in the bedroom behind her opening as two guards rushed in. It was guards I had seen before patrolling the estate.

"My Lady, what seems to be the problem?" The one guard asked as he approached us. He barely acknowledged me as he faced her.

"Her!" The beautiful girl pointed her dainty finger at me.

The guard looked me up and down not even bothering to hide the annoyed snare that donned his lips yet he did nothing and neither did the other.

"Take her away this instant!" The girl insisted seemingly frustrated at the guards lack of response or rather actions.

There was a brief silence that followed as nothing happened.

"They cannot do anything." I sighed while holding back the erge to roll my eyes and pushed my way past the indifferent guards and the now angered beautiful girl.

"You-" She began.

"There is no need for anymore of this." I interrupted as I reached for the door handle and turned to face her one last time, "I will apologise for startling you, but you certainly have the wrong idea about me. I meant no harm and was telling the truth whether you believe me or not."

I was finally back in the now familiar hallways within seconds. It was not long before I found my room and settled in for the night to tired to let my mind ponder anymore.

I was unaware of the outcome of the situation that I had left behind the in girl's room.

I was unaware of her reaction to the guards and their responses thus revealing my identity.

I was unaware of the gobsmacked look that dawned across her features.

I was unaware that the girl I had encountered now was searching the entire manor just about brick by brick to give me an apology.

Most importantly I was unaware that the beautiful girl was actually my new sister in law, Edith Waisend.

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