"Hush, I very much like my place in the surface tunnels. I have no interest in mates or the royal drama you're starting up, but I am super curious to know what heaven is like." He turned the smile to Jolene, whom seemed to be getting rather unnerved by the expression now. "I speak truth."

"Saying you speak truth doesn't make whatever you say true," said Rikek, who was also glaring at the comb along with some of their envious sisters and single brothers.

"I should have brought a gift..." murmured Oonit, a brother from their mother's third mate.

All of them. Traitors. It's like everyone was forgetting they only mated once for life, and only those with royal purple were allowed multiple mates as to try and create more children. And even then they were thought of as compromised spouses, as they were unable to devote their time and attention entirely to one spouse.

The moment Jolene picked up the comb he scooped her towards him with both wing and tail, scowling down at his siblings. They finally got the message and backed up with heads tilted to the side—all except Rikek, who only did so when their mother leveled a glare at him.

"I need to take her back, she's anxious," he said.

His mother sighed, but finally stepped aside.

"You may do so."

Like he needed her permission to take care of his mate.

He didn't wait another moment. Gilrack scooped Jolene up, inwardly warming at her little squeak of surprise, and spread his wings. He sensed bits of his siblings awe at his large wingspan with a bit of preening and lifted off with an almighty pump. Jewelry clattered and hair ruffled from the gust—then he was airborne, rising above the light stone chandelier and back up the tunnel to the royal nest.

He both appreciated and hated the royal nest. Jolene seemed to like it a lot, it was the highest nest in the caverns, it was safe, difficult for others to access, and was comfortable. It was everything anyone would ever want from a nest. But it also came with obligations he didn't want, along with attention he wanted less. If he had just had a nest far away from civilization and the greedy eyes of others, he'd have never had to deal with the icy-hot jealousy of his brothers' gazes or his mother's overbearing tendencies.

But, then, he wouldn't be able to have his father's help either. Family was wonderful help with younglings. They were safer with others around to protect her while he was gone providing. He knew he should be grateful, he knew, and he also understood this was the best he could offer Jolene.

But then he'd remember Rikek's smitten appearance, cooing and hushing his wife, and any sane, reasonable, or grateful thoughts flew away to his desire to head back down and scratch out his brother's eyes.

And then there was his mother, who kept mentioning finding Jolene another mate, as though Jolene were the one of royal blood rather than Gilrack.

He hadn't realized he'd curled up in a corner next to the fireplace and started growling until Jolene's soft hand touched his shoulder.

"Gilrack? What's wrong?"

Ugh, he still had the eggs against his chest. He should have put them back in the nest for her to comfort herself with, what was he doing.

He turned just to do that, grumbling, but then she was there, looking up at him and radiating soft concern. He melted, knees bending, and buried his face between her soft, ample breasts. Her hands stroked through his hair and he melted further. By the gods, he loved her. He couldn't comprehend just how much at times. How could he feel so much without exploding?

He didn't know if he was up to speaking, so he simply took down his mental defenses that he had nailed in place for visiting his relatives and let her feel it.

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