Once again, enraged by seeing Shigaraki kill one of their own, CRC members rushed at the League to attack. For a moment, the screen turned black before showing a brutal and bloody scene of the massacred CRC members.

"We really underestimated the threat that the League of Villains posed, didn't we," Endeavor said bitterly as he stared at the massacre on the screen.

"Yes, it was a mistake on our part not to prioritize capturing the League after All for One was defeated at Kamino," Jeanist added.

"But in our defense, we believed that the League wouldn't be able to function without their mastermind. We only began hunting them down again after their attack on Snatch and the police convoy," Edgeshot explained.

As Twice pillaged through the belongings of the CRC, he came to realize that the cult members themselves were also poor and barely getting by. While Toga and Compress voiced their complaints, pointing out the sorry state of their equipment, most of which was either broken or malfunctioning and needed to be replaced, Twice reminded them that they didn't have any money to pay Giran.

"I see. Just as we suspected, Giran is indeed connected to the League," Aizawa noted, jotting down Giran's name in his notes.

"Who is Giran?" Izuku inquired, as he and the other students were unfamiliar with the name.

"Giran is an underground broker who supplies resources like weapons, costumes, information, and henchmen, such as the ones Shigaraki had at the U.S.J., to various villains," Aizawa explained.

"But sir, if you're aware of Giran and his criminal activities, why hasn't he been arrested?" Iida asked.

Aizawa sighed, anticipating this question, and knowing it would likely come from either Iida or Yaoyorozu. "There are two reasons," Aizawa began. "First, despite his involvement with villains, Giran also works as an information broker for heroes. For the right price, he'll provide valuable information that aids in raids and other missions."

"Secondly, we lack substantial evidence against him," Aizawa continued. "Giran is a significant figure in the underground community and has ties to influential individuals. From minor mob leaders to prominent politicians and businesspeople, many owe him favors, making it nearly impossible to find a witness willing to testify against him. Furthermore, he operates with great professionalism and rarely leaves any discernible traces. On the rare occasions he does, the evidence is usually insufficient to keep him detained for more than two days at most, after which he just walks out of the station with a smug smile on his face."

The scene transitions to a secluded house nestled in the mountains, serving as the League's makeshift hideout. Inside the house, Spinner questions Shigaraki about how long they are going to live like this. Shigaraki, wearing his trademark nonchalant expression, offers a straightforward response, 'Until it's over.'

Compress jokes, saying that if they had teamed up with the Hassaikai, they would be eating sushi right now. He chuckles when he sees Shigaraki's deadpan expression. Then he adds that the League, which caused so much trouble in the country, is now reduced to this state, and he feels sorry for whoever looked up to them.

"Who the hell is going to bother looking up these dumbass villains?" Bakugo scoffed, mocking Compress's statement.

"Bakugo, have you forgotten about Stain and the fame he garnered after his speech in Hosu?" Iida spoke with a bitter tone. "As much as it pains me to talk about the man who crippled my brother, we cannot forget the impact he had on our society, not to mention how we've shown that Stain was the reason most of the League members joined the League of Villains in the first place."

MHA reacts to Paranormal Liberation War! (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें