🌹 | The golden well. (12)

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"Guys, nah. Let's go, this is not okay." I shiver as I say.

They put their finger up to their lips.

Sarah grabs my arm and drags me over, I flatten against the wall.

"The doors too far for us to run to." She whispers to me.

I put my head back against the wall in fear. "I should've left y'all."

"Shut up!" Kiara whispers.

We all of a sudden hear shuffling and thumping near the staircase.

"Shit.." Sarah whispers.

"No, no, no,  no, no, no. Guys we have to just run." I shake my head.

"Once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she'll be blocking the exit. " Sarah looks at me.

Kie pressed her hand to her mouth, and I look up and pray for mercy.

"It's— it's late Leon." Mrs. Crain grunts.

I hold my breath and she slowly walks in our direction.

"Too late." She coughs.

She's now walking past us. I literally can't hold my breath for any longer.

I whimper in fear by accident.

"I've been waiting all night!" She turns us, hee eyes glowing white and her teeth black.

We scream and dodge her cane, running to find a way out.

"AAAH! Ah! Leon!" I hear her scream.

I run into a room, and see a door.. but it's boarded up with planks of wood.

"Shit!" I try to pull the planks off.

"Where are you leon!?" I hear the woman shout.

"Come on.. come on!" I pull the latch off and start pulling at the planks again.

I turn around and see Mrs crain storm in.

"NO GOD- please I don't want to die!" I keep trying to kick the door in.

I see her swing her fire poker at me, but I dodge.

Sarah and Kie come running in as I'm dodging her hits, which are really bad. But she's still scary as fuck.

Sarah grabs the fire poker and throws it to the ground.

"Come on, come on this way!" Sarah grabs my hand and we run in the opposite direction.

We quickly all close the door on the woman.

All of a sudden her axe hacks the door and we all scream.

"Shit!" I say as the wood smashes.

We run to another door.

"This way! It goes underneath the house!" Sarah yells.

We go down the stairs in a hurry.

"Guys! Guys!" We yell.

"Woah- What's going on?" Pope asks, he's lowering a rope.. so I suspect John b is down in the well.

"Mrs Crain! she's up there!" I cry.

"She tried to kill us with a fire poker." Kie huffs. "We gotta go, we locked her in the parlor."

"Okay, okay!" Jj panics.

"John b! get back on man!" The boys yell as we hyperventilate.

We hear john b saying something, but we don't know what he's saying.

SINCERELY, YOUR DARLA. || ~ jj maybank.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora