"You were. He kissed you, and you were going all baby with him."

"But that wasn't acting!"


"The thing is, we decided to give it a try.” Taehyung muttered lowely.

“And when did that happen?”

“Few days back. After the hospital event. It's not even been a week."

"You are blushing? Did you guys hook up or what? Fucking finally!"

"We didn't. And It is not a hookup. We are serious! And we decided to wait till the wedding!"

"Awwww… Look at you being all mushy and talking about the wedding and all! But I am so happy for both of you." Jimin hugged the scientist,  and surprisingly the scientist didn't resist it like before.

"Thank you. And that's why I need your help. I want our wedding to be perfect. Like, It should stand out. Nobody should be able to compete with it. So help me, please."

"What are you thinking Taehyung? Why do you sound so desperate? It is really unlike yourself."

"Because I am desperate." He ran and closed the door. Pulling Jimin to the inner side of the chamber.

"You know, there will be another royal wedding happening, not really far from now, right? Hiroshi would be here for days. And me and grandma don't want him to see Jungkook in any other light. I want him to see Jungkookie in his happiest self. So…"

"Tae, you don't need to do anything special for that. You already make him the happiest. I know he shows off that he's all giggly and sassy, but since that jerk pulled those tricks on him, and especially after we lost Jo, he had lost the light in his eyes. But the day he met you, I could see those eyes shining back a little.”

“But he hated me back then!”

“Oh, he did show it that way, but that brat was whipped for you since day one. You challenged him. You never agreed to him just because he is a royal. His status, position never mattered to you. You treated him like himself. You faked nothing just because he was a prince. All his life people were fake to him. They wanted favours from him, he was taken advantage of. But you were different. You were your true, raw self with him. While he was busy pretending that he was okay for all of us sake, you made him feel okay in reality. Thank you for that.” Jimin offered a sincere smile to the scientist.

Taehyung sighed at the declaration but his competitive ass was not able to let go of the mere possibility of Hiroshi winning the imaginary competition Taehyung had started in his head since the day the royal grandmother had voiced her concerns about Hiroshi and his intentions. Still, he managed to get some details from Jimin about the traditions and proceedings. After an hour when Jimin left, Taehyung was left to ponder on so many things, all by himself.


“What got you pouting like that, baby?” Jungkook asked immediately as he entered their shared bedroom.

As soon as he entered his eyes had landed on his brat of a fiancé sitting at the study table with his work laptop open. It seemed like he was trying to work but something definitely seemed to be bothering him. As Jungkook questioned him, Taehyung snapped out of the chain of thoughts. He then dragged himself towards the prince, throwing himself unceremoniously into the colossal arms.

"I can't work. My super active brain seems to be on a strike. I don't know what to do, Jungkookie!"

"Is it the wedding talk?"

"I don't know. Don't think that's the sole reason. I have been having a hard time focusing ever since…."

"Since our fight?"

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