"Emi-chan is Smoky's girlfriend."

He clarified, much to everyone's shock.

"Having a girlfriend or someone you like is a bit uncommon where we come from isn't it? But I can tell you guys quite well that some of those involved in S.W.O.R.D are in a relationship. Take Yamato from Sannoh for example, he's always been attached to Mugen's former leader Tatsuya's sister, Naomi. Now those two aren't dating but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they like each other. And then there's Hyuga with his model of a wife-"

"Hyuga's married?!"

The surprise in everyone's face caught the former Oya head off guard but he understood where they were coming from. Everyone was in disbelief when they found out Hyuga was married and to someone very unexpected.

"Oi! Hyuga-chan may be a raging lunatic but the man is a softie when it comes to his wife. As are the rest of the other S.W.O.R.D members and their respective lovers."

"What about you Murachii? Don't you have a girlfriend? Why are you still single? I thought there was that girl from Ichigo Milk that used to chase you around? Oshiage-cha-Ow!" Seki was cut off by his leader's punch to his stomach. Murayama cleared his throat.

"The point is, just because we're knuckleheads that do nothing but beat each other up doesn't make us immune to falling in love. And there's nothing wrong with that." He continued.

"Love is the reason why we fight don't we? Because we love the people we protect?" Murayama said and they all went silent, knowing he was right.

They sought vengeance and honor because people they loved and cared about were hurt. They fought because they wanted to protect those people.

"You two.." He then turned to Yuken and Ryo. "Honoka-chan is a very sweet and kind girl. Too kind for her own good. Both of you.. have failed her." He spat much to the annoyance of the two who wanted to retaliate but knew better than to fight the former Oya head.

Murayama looked like an idiot but his fighting skills were legendary. He had only been beaten once and that was to Sannoh's leader, Cobra himself.

"She's told me about you two. You..Odajima." He points at the younger Housen student. "You're her boyfriend and yet, she feels like you have changed and don't seem as invested in your relationship now than you were in the beginning. She doesn't know what goes on in your head because you don't tell her what's wrong. And lately, you've been blowing her off and avoiding her texts and calls for no reason at all." He reprimanded.

"I know.. I just didn't want her to worry about me. I have no excuse for my actions." Yuken said sadly, looking down in shame.

"Whatever reason you have, she deserves to know and you owe her that. You love her, don't you?" Yuken looks at Murayama directly.

"With every fibre of my being." He answered with sincerity and love. Murayama then turned to Ryo.

"And you. You love her even though you knew she was taken. Honoka may not have told you but you should know that she knows you love her." Murayama says as Ryo looks at him in shock as Kohei placed a hand on his shoulder.

"S-she knew? Then why didn't she-"

"You know how Honoka is. She's too nice. She knew that you'd be hurt if she told you the truth so she allowed you to share your feelings because she still cared about you as her friend. Suzaki..." Murayama says, patting his shoulder. Ryo felt guilt overcome him and it was then he knew that he didn't deserve someone like Honoka.

She didn't need someone as selfish as him in her life. Real love wasn't about possession but about

"You know that Honoka's heart already belongs to someone else." Ryo's heart breaks for the second time and a tear falls from his eyes but he nods at Murayama.

"I know Murayama-san... but still... I want to hear it from her. At first, I wanted to steal her away.." Ryo says, glaring at Odajima as he finally cries. "But now, all I want is her happiness and for her to get better." He says, taking a breath.

"So, you both know what to do." Murayama says as he leaves the two alone, Seki and Furuya following after him.

Suzuran followed soon after with Rao asking Fujio to update him once Honoka was awake. Housen was the next to go, Sachio stayed a bit to talk to Yuken and Fujio, asking for updates as well before he left as well with the rest of Housen. He told Yuken he'd be back to take over watching Honoka once he came back so he could change, leaving no room for argument. Kohei told Ryo he'd be back with some food and change of clothes.

Oya left last with Fujio and Tsukasa looking at the two men left behind.

"Please don't break stuff. If you guys wanna fight-" Fujio was cut off by Tsukasa dragging him out the hospital to stop him from giving the two men any ideas.

They looked at each other for a while before looking at Honoka on the bed, unconscious. Full of bandages and breathing slowly as her eyes remained closed.

No words needed to be said in order for the two men to understand that Honoka would need all the help she could in order to recover and if it meant a truce for a while and Murayama said, they didn't have to like each other.

What mattered now is Honoka.


Sirimiri ; ODAJIMA YUKENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang