Someone new for us

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In this part can little bit of swearing. I just sometimes can't help myself.

Kurmo's pov:

"W-what was that?" Taylor ask with fear in his voice. I move my head to the right because think I hear something. Taylor touch my sholder to make me turn back at him and he ask again "What was that?" "I just hate when someone is saying stuff like that," I try to say something what can excuse how I act, but to be honest I have no idea what happend few minutes ago. "That's not true," he say with nervous tone, "It's not for the first time someone say that." He breathe in and breathe out "You can tell me anything. You know?" He say with his typical calm tone. "I know, but... " I shut my self. "But, what?" his nervosity come back. *Why am I so scare to tell him that I don't know why I did that* I think to my self. Then I fell something really weird, someone was wathcing us, but who? Taylor saw that starting to be nervous, he tought that's because of I don't wanna talk about it, then he fell it too. He was scared, because that someone have very similar chakra, similar to mine and that's why he is so scared. *Who can have someone that much similar chakra to nii-san? I'm his younger brother and I don't have similar chakra to him. Did nii-san have another sibling that I didn't know about? Or he is pretending that he is Kurmo? But that doesn't make a sense, there is noway he didn't saw Kurmo here!* Taylor look at me with a question, but he don't say anything. That makes me sure that person is really here and he knows about him. I start fisrt "We know you are here!" Taylor look at me like 'are you crazy?!' And look at him like 'Yes, I am.' "I'm not sure that you will like the way i look," say someone. I want to make situation more fun so I say "What? Are you scared to show your self? SCAREDY CAT." Taylor look at me like 'This was NOT the best idea.' I tought that make him angry and him will show him self but he didn't, and that make me f*cking nervous. (sorry for swearimg) But I think that make him angry, but it was really bad idea. I just want to say that I was joking. "I was only jok..." I shut myself after hear him growl. *growling I start to be scared because that growl sounds like kyuubi's. *If he is or he have inside of him kyuubi we are dead* I think still scared. "I w-was joking," somehow get out of me. Then that person stop growling and say "I know. But I want to make you scared, KURMO." When he said my name I was in shock and scared in the same time. Shock because not everybody call me by my name, scared because *how the f*ck he knows my name?!* "Okay. I'm loosing my temper, show your self!" i yell at him. "Okay just calm down jeez," he say and start moving.

The man's pov:

*I see he (Kurmo) act really similar to me but with emotions.* When I finally show my self they seems to be in shock, so I say. "I said you would not like how I look." Kurmo look at me and ask: "Why do you look like me?" Meanwhile Taylor ask: "How many people did you kill? Your eye is so dark red!" When Taylor said that Kurmo was in more shock than before. But he really fast calm down and ask with kind voice: "What's your name? I'm Kurmo but you already know that, and that's Taylor." I look at him and want to say my name but I change my mind, because his chakra feel so warm and welcoming. *Like I know that warm and that weird feeling... what's that weird feeling? How it's called... Kind?* "My name is Tobias," i said after few minutes of silence. "Why do you look like a ghost?" Taylor ask. After that question Kurmo punch him into his shoulder and look at like: 'Be more careful. It can be something really sensitive.' I look at the ground and say: "I don't really remember what happened but, the thing I know for sure is that I died a long ago. After my death I forget almost everything and forget about everyone I know. To be honest and I'm not honest with people I just met, the only things I remember correctly is my name and one place I always visit when I was still alive." "You are DEAD?!" *They were deaf or something?* "How long are you dead?" Kurmo ask. With stone face without emotions I say: "Almost my whole life. Nothing much, but I'm thinking about why I'm not in afterlife. What about that I don't remember anything or anyone and I don't know where I'm right now so, I think I'm lost for so long, and I feel like I'm searching for something or someone." "Wait," Kurmo stop me, "How old were you when you died?" I look at the ground again try to remember how old I was when I died. Then I say: "Less then 25, like 21 max 22 years old."

Kurmo's pov:

*What?! That's less then I thought it will be. But he look like a teenager or something like that.* "So Tobias how long are you dead?" He look at me with stone face without emotions and say: "I don't know I lost count about 10 000 000 years." "Wait! What?!" I ask with Taylor at the same time. "But it's way more than that, because I live in the first world when I was just a kid, you know." *He know about first world? But how not even our other siblings know about first world.*

-------------End of part 2------------

Finally! It took me so long to write this part. And I'm so sorry about that 4th September stars my school and first week I going in the school like always but then me, my sister and my mom went somewhere, (not important where 🙂) it was Sunday (11.9. I think) btw and then I has something like fever and two weeks wasn't in school so must did everything they do and I don't have much time for Wattpad and if I do have time I just forgot. God my stupid head can't remember anything 😢. I'm sometimes thinking about if new head will help with this problem but... I don't think so. In next part I will explain what the hell is first world and maybe it will be something about Tobias's past trust me it's really sad nothing for kids that's for sure. No it's not for sure but only maybe okay see you in the next part. Ugh I hate school, okay maybe not school but that idiots who are in the school.
Last I swear. Ask if you want to know about something you don't really understand or wanna know about😉.
Have a great day/night/evening/morning.

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