Chapter 14.5 The bonus chapter

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Walk, walk, walk.
That's what Teardrop has been doing for a while now.

What was she supposed to be doing again? She can't seem to remember. She looks down to her hands, both holding a few sticky notes and a single pencil.

She reads through them as she continues walking, slowly but surely she obtains her memories again. That's right, she's walking back to get friends. The gelatin and the weird yellow x. Could she call them friends? The notes say nothing about it.. maybe.

"Oh Teardrop, you're back! Did you find anyone?" X asks, welcoming Teardrop back to their little temporary home. A cave, not quite deep in so it's a nice temporary place to stay.. for the time being. Gelatin sits quietly, leaning back towards the cave walls. He gives a little smile, hoping he was staring at Td.

Nope, he was staring at the complete opposite side on where Td is standing.


Anyone? Was she looking for someone?? She relooks through her sticky notes, there's nothing that says she was looking for someone. Ugh, Teardrop curses to herself. In her mind. Because she cannot speak.

She is slightly scared, what if they got mad? X doesn't seem like the type to get mad easily, but who knows? Maybe she could've missed this detail like the fact she forgot to write down the fact she was supposed to be looking for someone.

Sigh, she shakes her head. Acting as if she was actually looking around. "Did she find someone, X?" Gelatin asks, unable to see of course, it gets really hard to speak to him. So X popping out of nowhere was a real saviour.

"Nop- but it's okay! We just need to be patient.. there should surely be an object that could be willing to help us" X explains, Teardrop sighs to herself. "But really? Not even signs of an object?" X asks again, and yet again Teardrop shakes her head.

"We must be quite deep in this forest then.. jeez.." X mumbles to themselves, he sits down in front of Gelatin. He motions for Teardrop to sit beside them, which she does. "I just really want to rest without thinking of that crazy ass killer dude" Gelatin says, hugging his legs.

"I just.. you know.. wanna stop worrying that at any moment that dude could just comes out of nowhere and just-" he starts imitating a flamethrower as he swings it around in the air. Goddamn.

"That won't happen.. I hope" X reassures, getting quite worried after seeing Gelatin's action. They don't want to die with the last thing they see being some crazy dude swinging a flamethrower at them..

Teardrop stays quiet, as she listens along. They talk about a few more things, to pass the time.


"How was it like being a co-host? Sounds pretty cool tbh" Gelatin asks, "You get to watch from the side views and not do nearly everything but you get to do something as well! I don't know how to really explain it-" Gelatin continues, chuckling a bit.

"It was fun, sure" X answers, "I had a lot of fun on the show.." X thinks to themselves for a bit, what else to say? They really did enjoy being a co-host. Sure sometimes it gets a bit rough, mostly with Four but-- other than that, it was great.. then all of this happened.

"I definitely rather be back at the BFB grounds than in this forest" X mumbles, Gelatin and Td both reply in agreement. Even though one of them don't really know what the BFB grounds are.. or where they are.


"How do you think the rest are holding up?" X asks, Gelatin tilts his head. "Who?" "You know.. the rest, on the bus" X mumbles, Gelatin thinks for a bit. "They must be fine.. in fact, they're probably already found someone and is getting help right now!" Gelatin exclaims happily.

"How would they know if we're still here though? Or specifically, in a cave eating berries" X asks, showing off his berry collection, which he has been eating during the conversation.. apparently.

"One, this should be their first choice, wouldn't it? Check the entirety of the forest, probably find that killer dude, then find us? After trying to recover us of course.. second of all, you have food??" Gelatin asks, looking at X. This time he is in fact, staring at X.

"Oh yeah.. want some?" X asks, and of course Gelatin agrees and is given some by X. "What about you Td? Want some?" X asks, turning to look at the quiet teardrop sitting beside them, who was writing some stuff on her sticky notes.

She stares a bit, before nodding slightly. She had completely forgotten to eat for the entire day. Simple berries could never fill up her entire stomach but.. it's better than nothing.

She takes the helping, as she eats one by one. Gelatin.. Gelatin had already finished as he talks to X some more. He's real chatty.. she should change that note. The note that reads:

'Friends with a green Gelatin, he's really mean. Don't make him mad'

She scribbles the mean, maybe she had misunderstood..?


The other two are in deep conversation, so she decides to listen once again. Every now and then, they'd bring her up and try asking questions to her. Not anything much, just about her life or her alliance or something. Nothing important.

The conversation gave her a lot of things to write, and her hands were starting to get tired. So she decided to stop listening for a while. She walks out to get some air, after telling X about it, using her notes.

She listens to the chirping of the crickets, it had already turned night.. that really did pass the time.. she look through all her notes, there was a lot of things she learned. She was in a show, game show perhaps. She was with more people. She had an alliance. The host is dead. X is the co-host.. the-



What was she doing in the woods again?
She looks around, she holding a few pieces of notes. Sticky notes..

Maybe it has something important written on it-



The sound of leaves startle her, she turns back. An object stands behind her, they're wearing a mask. A mask with a smile. Kinda like those theaters masks, pretty weird..

Does the object want to ask her something?


She drops a note accidentally.
It probably wasn't important.


Teardrop walks towards the object.

The note gets caught by the wind. Teardrop's too focused on the object she doesn't even see the note flying away.

The note reads:

'Stay away from the masked object.'
'They're dangerous'

Road Kill || [BFB Au]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora